/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in * the packaging of this file. * * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this * file. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #import "OFHTTPClient.h" #import "OFHTTPRequest.h" #import "OFHTTPRequestReply.h" #import "OFString.h" #import "OFURL.h" #import "OFTCPSocket.h" #import "OFDictionary.h" #import "OFDataArray.h" #import "OFSystemInfo.h" #import "OFHTTPRequestFailedException.h" #import "OFInvalidEncodingException.h" #import "OFInvalidFormatException.h" #import "OFInvalidServerReplyException.h" #import "OFOutOfMemoryException.h" #import "OFOutOfRangeException.h" #import "OFTruncatedDataException.h" #import "OFUnsupportedProtocolException.h" #import "OFUnsupportedVersionException.h" #import "autorelease.h" #import "macros.h" static OF_INLINE void normalize_key(char *str_) { uint8_t *str = (uint8_t*)str_; BOOL firstLetter = YES; while (*str != '\0') { if (!isalnum(*str)) { firstLetter = YES; str++; continue; } *str = (firstLetter ? toupper(*str) : tolower(*str)); firstLetter = NO; str++; } } @implementation OFHTTPClient + (instancetype)client { return [[[self alloc] init] autorelease]; } - init { self = [super init]; storesData = YES; return self; } - (void)setDelegate: (id )delegate_ { delegate = delegate_; } - (id )delegate { return delegate; } - (void)setInsecureRedirectsAllowed: (BOOL)allowed { insecureRedirectsAllowed = allowed; } - (BOOL)insecureRedirectsAllowed { return insecureRedirectsAllowed; } - (void)setStoresData: (BOOL)storesData_ { storesData = storesData_; } - (BOOL)storesData { return storesData; } - (OFHTTPRequestReply*)performRequest: (OFHTTPRequest*)request { return [self performRequest: request redirects: 10]; } - (OFHTTPRequestReply*)performRequest: (OFHTTPRequest*)request redirects: (size_t)redirects { void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); OFURL *URL = [request URL]; OFString *scheme = [URL scheme]; of_http_request_type_t requestType = [request requestType]; OFDictionary *headers = [request headers]; OFDataArray *POSTData = [request POSTData]; OFTCPSocket *sock; OFHTTPRequestReply *reply; OFString *line, *path, *version; OFMutableDictionary *serverHeaders; OFDataArray *data; OFEnumerator *keyEnumerator, *objectEnumerator; OFString *key, *object, *contentLengthHeader; int status; const char *type = NULL; size_t contentLength = 0; BOOL chunked; size_t pageSize; char *buffer; size_t bytesReceived; if (![scheme isEqual: @"http"] && ![scheme isEqual: @"https"]) @throw [OFUnsupportedProtocolException exceptionWithClass: [self class] URL: URL]; if ([scheme isEqual: @"http"]) sock = [OFTCPSocket socket]; else { if (of_tls_socket_class == Nil) @throw [OFUnsupportedProtocolException exceptionWithClass: [self class] URL: URL]; sock = [[[of_tls_socket_class alloc] init] autorelease]; } if ([delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(client:didCreateSocket:request:)]) [delegate client: self didCreateSocket: sock request: request]; [sock connectToHost: [URL host] port: [URL port]]; /* * Work around a bug with packet bisection in lighttpd when using * HTTPS. */ [sock setWriteBufferEnabled: YES]; if (requestType == OF_HTTP_REQUEST_TYPE_GET) type = "GET"; if (requestType == OF_HTTP_REQUEST_TYPE_HEAD) type = "HEAD"; if (requestType == OF_HTTP_REQUEST_TYPE_POST) type = "POST"; if ([(path = [URL path]) isEqual: @""]) path = @"/"; if ([URL query] != nil) [sock writeFormat: @"%s %@?%@ HTTP/1.1\r\n", type, path, [URL query]]; else [sock writeFormat: @"%s %@ HTTP/1.1\r\n", type, path]; if ([URL port] == 80) [sock writeFormat: @"Host: %@\r\n", [URL host]]; else [sock writeFormat: @"Host: %@:%d\r\n", [URL host], [URL port]]; [sock writeString: @"Connection: close\r\n"]; if ([headers objectForKey: @"User-Agent"] == nil) [sock writeString: @"User-Agent: Something using ObjFW " @"\r\n"]; keyEnumerator = [headers keyEnumerator]; objectEnumerator = [headers objectEnumerator]; while ((key = [keyEnumerator nextObject]) != nil && (object = [objectEnumerator nextObject]) != nil) [sock writeFormat: @"%@: %@\r\n", key, object]; if (requestType == OF_HTTP_REQUEST_TYPE_POST) { OFString *contentType = [request MIMEType]; if (contentType == nil) contentType = @"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; " @"charset=UTF-8\r\n"; [sock writeFormat: @"Content-Type: %@\r\n", contentType]; [sock writeFormat: @"Content-Length: %d\r\n", [POSTData count] * [POSTData itemSize]]; } [sock writeString: @"\r\n"]; /* Work around a bug in lighttpd, see above */ [sock flushWriteBuffer]; [sock setWriteBufferEnabled: NO]; if (requestType == OF_HTTP_REQUEST_TYPE_POST) [sock writeBuffer: [POSTData items] length: [POSTData count] * [POSTData itemSize]]; @try { line = [sock readLine]; } @catch (OFInvalidEncodingException *e) { @throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; } if (![line hasPrefix: @"HTTP/"] || [line characterAtIndex: 8] != ' ') @throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; version = [line substringWithRange: of_range(5, 3)]; if (![version isEqual: @"1.0"] && ![version isEqual: @"1.1"]) @throw [OFUnsupportedVersionException exceptionWithClass: [self class] version: version]; status = (int)[[line substringWithRange: of_range(9, 3)] decimalValue]; serverHeaders = [OFMutableDictionary dictionary]; for (;;) { OFString *key, *value; const char *lineC, *tmp; char *keyC; @try { line = [sock readLine]; } @catch (OFInvalidEncodingException *e) { @throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; } if (line == nil) @throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; if ([line isEqual: @""]) break; lineC = [line UTF8String]; if ((tmp = strchr(lineC, ':')) == NULL) @throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; if ((keyC = malloc(tmp - lineC + 1)) == NULL) @throw [OFOutOfMemoryException exceptionWithClass: [self class] requestedSize: tmp - lineC + 1]; memcpy(keyC, lineC, tmp - lineC); keyC[tmp - lineC] = '\0'; normalize_key(keyC); @try { key = [OFString stringWithUTF8StringNoCopy: keyC freeWhenDone: YES]; } @catch (id e) { free(keyC); @throw e; } do { tmp++; } while (*tmp == ' '); value = [OFString stringWithUTF8String: tmp]; if ((redirects > 0 && (status == 301 || status == 302 || status == 303 || status == 307) && [key isEqual: @"Location"]) && (insecureRedirectsAllowed || [scheme isEqual: @"http"] || ![value hasPrefix: @"http://"])) { OFURL *newURL; OFHTTPRequest *newRequest; BOOL follow = YES; newURL = [OFURL URLWithString: value relativeToURL: URL]; if ([delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(client:shouldFollowRedirect:request:)]) follow = [delegate client: self shouldFollowRedirect: newURL request: request]; if (!follow) { [serverHeaders setObject: value forKey: key]; continue; } newRequest = [OFHTTPRequest requestWithURL: newURL]; [newRequest setRequestType: requestType]; [newRequest setHeaders: headers]; [newRequest setPOSTData: POSTData]; [newRequest setMIMEType: [request MIMEType]]; if (status == 303) { [newRequest setRequestType: OF_HTTP_REQUEST_TYPE_GET]; [newRequest setPOSTData: nil]; [newRequest setMIMEType: nil]; } [newRequest retain]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool); [newRequest autorelease]; return [self performRequest: newRequest redirects: redirects - 1]; } [serverHeaders setObject: value forKey: key]; } if ([delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(client:didReceiveHeaders:statusCode:request:)]) [delegate client: self didReceiveHeaders: serverHeaders statusCode: status request: request]; data = (storesData ? [OFDataArray dataArray] : nil); chunked = [[serverHeaders objectForKey: @"Transfer-Encoding"] isEqual: @"chunked"]; contentLengthHeader = [serverHeaders objectForKey: @"Content-Length"]; if (contentLengthHeader != nil) { contentLength = (size_t)[contentLengthHeader decimalValue]; if (contentLength > SIZE_MAX) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; } pageSize = [OFSystemInfo pageSize]; buffer = [self allocMemoryWithSize: pageSize]; bytesReceived = 0; @try { if (chunked) { for (;;) { void *pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); size_t toRead; of_range_t range; @try { line = [sock readLine]; } @catch (OFInvalidEncodingException *e) { @throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; } range = [line rangeOfString: @";"]; if (range.location != OF_NOT_FOUND) line = [line substringWithRange: of_range(0, range.location)]; @try { toRead = (size_t)[line hexadecimalValue]; } @catch (OFInvalidFormatException *e) { @throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; } if (toRead == 0 || (contentLengthHeader != nil && contentLength >= bytesReceived)) break; while (toRead > 0) { size_t length = (toRead < pageSize ? toRead : pageSize); length = [sock readIntoBuffer: buffer length: length]; if ([delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(client:didReceiveData: length:request:)]) [delegate client: self didReceiveData: buffer length: length request: request]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool2); pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); bytesReceived += length; [data addItems: buffer count: length]; toRead -= length; } @try { line = [sock readLine]; } @catch (OFInvalidEncodingException *e) { @throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; } if (![line isEqual: @""]) @throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool2); } } else { size_t length; while (![sock isAtEndOfStream]) { void *pool2; length = [sock readIntoBuffer: buffer length: pageSize]; pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); if ([delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(client:didReceiveData:length: request:)]) [delegate client: self didReceiveData: buffer length: length request: request]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool2); bytesReceived += length; [data addItems: buffer count: length]; if (contentLengthHeader != nil && bytesReceived >= contentLength) break; } } } @finally { [self freeMemory: buffer]; } [sock close]; /* * We only want to throw on status code 200 as we will throw an * OFHTTPRequestFailedException for all other status codes later. */ if (status == 200 && contentLengthHeader != nil && contentLength != bytesReceived) @throw [OFTruncatedDataException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; [serverHeaders makeImmutable]; reply = [[OFHTTPRequestReply alloc] initWithStatusCode: status headers: serverHeaders data: data]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool); [reply autorelease]; if (status != 200) @throw [OFHTTPRequestFailedException exceptionWithClass: [self class] request: request reply: reply]; return reply; } @end