/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 only, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3.0 for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3.0 along with this program. If not, see * . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #import "OFBlock.h" #ifdef OF_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS # import "OFAtomic.h" #endif #ifdef OF_HAVE_THREADS # import "OFPlainMutex.h" #endif #import "OFString.h" #import "OFAllocFailedException.h" #import "OFInitializationFailedException.h" #if defined(OF_OBJFW_RUNTIME) # import "runtime/private.h" #endif struct Block { Class isa; int flags; int reserved; void (*invoke)(void *block, ...); struct { unsigned long reserved; unsigned long size; void (*_Nullable copyHelper)(void *dest, void *src); void (*_Nullable disposeHelper)(void *src); const char *signature; } *descriptor; }; struct Byref { Class isa; struct Byref *forwarding; int flags; int size; void (*keepByref)(void *dest, void *src); void (*disposeByref)(void *); }; enum { OFBlockHasCopyDispose = (1 << 25), OFBlockHasCtor = (1 << 26), OFBlockIsGlobal = (1 << 28), OFBlockHasStret = (1 << 29), OFBlockHasSignature = (1 << 30) }; #define OFBlockRefCountMask 0xFFFF enum { OFBlockFieldIsObject = 3, OFBlockFieldIsBlock = 7, OFBlockFieldIsByref = 8, OFBlockFieldIsWeak = 16, OFBlockByrefCaller = 128 }; @protocol RetainRelease - (instancetype)retain; - (void)release; @end #ifdef OF_OBJFW_RUNTIME /* Begin of ObjC module */ static struct objc_class _NSConcreteStackBlock_metaclass = { Nil, Nil, "OFStackBlock", 8, OBJC_CLASS_INFO_METACLASS, sizeof(_NSConcreteStackBlock_metaclass), NULL, NULL }; struct objc_class _NSConcreteStackBlock = { &_NSConcreteStackBlock_metaclass, (Class)(void *)"OFBlock", "OFStackBlock", 8, OBJC_CLASS_INFO_CLASS, sizeof(struct Block), NULL, NULL }; static struct objc_class _NSConcreteGlobalBlock_metaclass = { Nil, Nil, "OFGlobalBlock", 8, OBJC_CLASS_INFO_METACLASS, sizeof(_NSConcreteGlobalBlock_metaclass), NULL, NULL }; struct objc_class _NSConcreteGlobalBlock = { &_NSConcreteGlobalBlock_metaclass, (Class)(void *)"OFBlock", "OFGlobalBlock", 8, OBJC_CLASS_INFO_CLASS, sizeof(struct Block), NULL, NULL }; static struct objc_class _NSConcreteMallocBlock_metaclass = { Nil, Nil, "OFMallocBlock", 8, OBJC_CLASS_INFO_METACLASS, sizeof(_NSConcreteMallocBlock_metaclass), NULL, NULL }; struct objc_class _NSConcreteMallocBlock = { &_NSConcreteMallocBlock_metaclass, (Class)(void *)"OFBlock", "OFMallocBlock", 8, OBJC_CLASS_INFO_CLASS, sizeof(struct Block), NULL, NULL }; static struct { unsigned long unknown; struct objc_selector *selectorRefs; uint16_t classDefsCount, categoryDefsCount; void *defs[4]; } symtab = { 0, NULL, 3, 0, { &_NSConcreteStackBlock, &_NSConcreteGlobalBlock, &_NSConcreteMallocBlock, NULL } }; static struct _objc_module module = { 8, sizeof(module), NULL, (struct objc_symtab *)&symtab }; OF_CONSTRUCTOR() { __objc_exec_class(&module); } /* End of ObjC module */ #elif defined(OF_APPLE_RUNTIME) extern Class objc_initializeClassPair(Class, const char *, Class, Class); struct class { struct class *isa, *superclass; const char *name; long version, info, instanceSize; struct ivar_list *iVars; struct method_list **methodList; struct cache *cache; struct protocol_list *protocols; const char *iVarLayout; struct class_ext *ext; }; struct class _NSConcreteStackBlock; struct class _NSConcreteGlobalBlock; struct class _NSConcreteMallocBlock; # if defined(__OBJC2__) && !defined(OF_POWERPC64) struct class _NSConcreteStackBlock_metaclass; struct class _NSConcreteGlobalBlock_metaclass; struct class _NSConcreteMallocBlock_metaclass; # endif #endif static struct { Class isa; } allocFailedException; #ifndef OF_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS # define numSpinlocks 8 /* needs to be a power of 2 */ # define SPINLOCK_HASH(p) ((uintptr_t)p >> 4) & (numSpinlocks - 1) static OFSpinlock blockSpinlocks[numSpinlocks]; static OFSpinlock byrefSpinlocks[numSpinlocks]; #endif void * _Block_copy(const void *block_) { struct Block *block = (struct Block *)block_; if ([(id)block isMemberOfClass: (Class)&_NSConcreteStackBlock]) { struct Block *copy; if ((copy = malloc(block->descriptor->size)) == NULL) { object_setClass((id)&allocFailedException, [OFAllocFailedException class]); @throw (OFAllocFailedException *)&allocFailedException; } memcpy(copy, block, block->descriptor->size); object_setClass((id)copy, (Class)&_NSConcreteMallocBlock); copy->flags++; if (block->flags & OFBlockHasCopyDispose) block->descriptor->copyHelper(copy, block); return copy; } if ([(id)block isMemberOfClass: (Class)&_NSConcreteMallocBlock]) { #ifdef OF_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS OFAtomicIntIncrease(&block->flags); #else unsigned hash = SPINLOCK_HASH(block); OFEnsure(OFSpinlockLock(&blockSpinlocks[hash]) == 0); block->flags++; OFEnsure(OFSpinlockUnlock(&blockSpinlocks[hash]) == 0); #endif } return block; } void _Block_release(const void *block_) { struct Block *block = (struct Block *)block_; if (object_getClass((id)block) != (Class)&_NSConcreteMallocBlock) return; #ifdef OF_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS if ((OFAtomicIntDecrease(&block->flags) & OFBlockRefCountMask) == 0) { if (block->flags & OFBlockHasCopyDispose) block->descriptor->disposeHelper(block); free(block); } #else unsigned hash = SPINLOCK_HASH(block); OFEnsure(OFSpinlockLock(&blockSpinlocks[hash]) == 0); if ((--block->flags & OFBlockRefCountMask) == 0) { OFEnsure(OFSpinlockUnlock(&blockSpinlocks[hash]) == 0); if (block->flags & OFBlockHasCopyDispose) block->descriptor->disposeHelper(block); free(block); return; } OFEnsure(OFSpinlockUnlock(&blockSpinlocks[hash]) == 0); #endif } void _Block_object_assign(void *dst_, const void *src_, const int flags_) { int flags = flags_ & (OFBlockFieldIsBlock | OFBlockFieldIsObject | OFBlockFieldIsByref); if (src_ == NULL) return; switch (flags) { case OFBlockFieldIsBlock: *(struct Block **)dst_ = _Block_copy(src_); break; case OFBlockFieldIsObject: if (!(flags_ & OFBlockByrefCaller)) *(id *)dst_ = [(id)src_ retain]; break; case OFBlockFieldIsByref:; struct Byref *src = (struct Byref *)src_; struct Byref **dst = (struct Byref **)dst_; src = src->forwarding; if ((src->flags & OFBlockRefCountMask) == 0) { if ((*dst = malloc(src->size)) == NULL) { object_setClass((id)&allocFailedException, [OFAllocFailedException class]); @throw (OFAllocFailedException *) &allocFailedException; } memcpy(*dst, src, src->size); (*dst)->flags = ((*dst)->flags & ~OFBlockRefCountMask) | 1; (*dst)->forwarding = *dst; if (src->flags & OFBlockHasCopyDispose) src->keepByref(*dst, src); #ifdef OF_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS if (!OFAtomicPointerCompareAndSwap( (void **)&src->forwarding, src, *dst)) { src->disposeByref(*dst); free(*dst); *dst = src->forwarding; } #else unsigned hash = SPINLOCK_HASH(src); OFEnsure(OFSpinlockLock(&byrefSpinlocks[hash]) == 0); if (src->forwarding == src) src->forwarding = *dst; else { src->disposeByref(*dst); free(*dst); *dst = src->forwarding; } OFEnsure(OFSpinlockUnlock(&byrefSpinlocks[hash]) == 0); #endif } else *dst = src; #ifdef OF_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS OFAtomicIntIncrease(&(*dst)->flags); #else unsigned hash = SPINLOCK_HASH(*dst); OFEnsure(OFSpinlockLock(&byrefSpinlocks[hash]) == 0); (*dst)->flags++; OFEnsure(OFSpinlockUnlock(&byrefSpinlocks[hash]) == 0); #endif break; } } void _Block_object_dispose(const void *object_, const int flags_) { const int flags = flags_ & (OFBlockFieldIsBlock | OFBlockFieldIsObject | OFBlockFieldIsByref); if (object_ == NULL) return; switch (flags) { case OFBlockFieldIsBlock: _Block_release(object_); break; case OFBlockFieldIsObject: if (!(flags_ & OFBlockByrefCaller)) [(id)object_ release]; break; case OFBlockFieldIsByref:; struct Byref *object = (struct Byref *)object_; object = object->forwarding; #ifdef OF_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS if ((OFAtomicIntDecrease(&object->flags) & OFBlockRefCountMask) == 0) { if (object->flags & OFBlockHasCopyDispose) object->disposeByref(object); free(object); } #else unsigned hash = SPINLOCK_HASH(object); OFEnsure(OFSpinlockLock(&byrefSpinlocks[hash]) == 0); if ((--object->flags & OFBlockRefCountMask) == 0) { OFEnsure(OFSpinlockUnlock(&byrefSpinlocks[hash]) == 0); if (object->flags & OFBlockHasCopyDispose) object->disposeByref(object); free(object); } OFEnsure(OFSpinlockUnlock(&byrefSpinlocks[hash]) == 0); #endif break; } } @implementation OFBlock + (void)load { #ifndef OF_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS for (size_t i = 0; i < numSpinlocks; i++) if (OFSpinlockNew(&blockSpinlocks[i]) != 0 || OFSpinlockNew(&byrefSpinlocks[i]) != 0) @throw [OFInitializationFailedException exceptionWithClass: self]; #endif #ifdef OF_APPLE_RUNTIME Class tmp; # if defined(__OBJC2__) && !defined(OF_POWERPC64) tmp = objc_initializeClassPair(self, "OFStackBlock", (Class)&_NSConcreteStackBlock, (Class)&_NSConcreteStackBlock_metaclass); if (tmp == Nil) @throw [OFInitializationFailedException exceptionWithClass: self]; objc_registerClassPair(tmp); tmp = objc_initializeClassPair(self, "OFGlobalBlock", (Class)&_NSConcreteGlobalBlock, (Class)&_NSConcreteGlobalBlock_metaclass); if (tmp == Nil) @throw [OFInitializationFailedException exceptionWithClass: self]; objc_registerClassPair(tmp); tmp = objc_initializeClassPair([OFBlock class], "OFMallocBlock", (Class)&_NSConcreteMallocBlock, (Class)&_NSConcreteMallocBlock_metaclass); if (tmp == Nil) @throw [OFInitializationFailedException exceptionWithClass: self]; objc_registerClassPair(tmp); # else /* * There is no objc_initializeClassPair in 10.5. * However, objc_allocateClassPair does not register the new class with * the subclass in the ObjC1 runtime like the ObjC2 runtime does, so * this workaround should be fine. */ if ((tmp = objc_allocateClassPair(self, "OFStackBlock", 0)) == NULL) @throw [OFInitializationFailedException exceptionWithClass: self]; memcpy(&_NSConcreteStackBlock, tmp, sizeof(_NSConcreteStackBlock)); free(tmp); objc_registerClassPair((Class)&_NSConcreteStackBlock); if ((tmp = objc_allocateClassPair(self, "OFGlobalBlock", 0)) == NULL) @throw [OFInitializationFailedException exceptionWithClass: self]; memcpy(&_NSConcreteGlobalBlock, tmp, sizeof(_NSConcreteGlobalBlock)); free(tmp); objc_registerClassPair((Class)&_NSConcreteGlobalBlock); if ((tmp = objc_allocateClassPair(self, "OFMallocBlock", 0)) == NULL) @throw [OFInitializationFailedException exceptionWithClass: self]; memcpy(&_NSConcreteMallocBlock, tmp, sizeof(_NSConcreteMallocBlock)); free(tmp); objc_registerClassPair((Class)&_NSConcreteMallocBlock); # endif #endif } + (instancetype)alloc { OF_UNRECOGNIZED_SELECTOR } - (instancetype)init { OF_INVALID_INIT_METHOD } - (instancetype)retain { if ([self isMemberOfClass: (Class)&_NSConcreteMallocBlock]) return Block_copy(self); return self; } - (id)copy { return Block_copy(self); } - (instancetype)autorelease { if ([self isMemberOfClass: (Class)&_NSConcreteMallocBlock]) return [super autorelease]; return self; } - (unsigned int)retainCount { if ([self isMemberOfClass: (Class)&_NSConcreteMallocBlock]) return ((struct Block *)self)->flags & OFBlockRefCountMask; return OFMaxRetainCount; } - (void)release { if ([self isMemberOfClass: (Class)&_NSConcreteMallocBlock]) Block_release(self); } - (void)dealloc { OF_DEALLOC_UNSUPPORTED } @end