/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 only, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3.0 for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3.0 along with this program. If not, see * . */ #include "config.h" #import "OFApplication.h" #import "OFArray.h" #import "OFFile.h" #import "OFIRI.h" #import "OFIRIHandler.h" #import "OFLocale.h" #import "OFMD5Hash.h" #import "OFOptionsParser.h" #import "OFRIPEMD160Hash.h" #import "OFSHA1Hash.h" #import "OFSHA224Hash.h" #import "OFSHA256Hash.h" #import "OFSHA384Hash.h" #import "OFSHA512Hash.h" #import "OFSandbox.h" #import "OFSecureData.h" #import "OFStdIOStream.h" #import "OFOpenItemFailedException.h" #import "OFReadFailedException.h" @interface OFHash: OFObject @end OF_APPLICATION_DELEGATE(OFHash) static void help(void) { [OFStdErr writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED(@"usage", @"Usage: %[prog] [--md5] [--ripemd160] [--sha1] [--sha224] " @"[--sha256] [--sha384] [--sha512] [--iri] file1 [file2 ...]", @"prog", [OFApplication programName])]; [OFApplication terminateWithStatus: 1]; } static void printHash(OFString *algo, OFString *path, id hash) { size_t digestSize = hash.digestSize; const unsigned char *digest; [hash calculate]; digest = hash.digest; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"%@ ", algo]; for (size_t i = 0; i < digestSize; i++) [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"%02x", digest[i]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @" %@\n", path]; } @implementation OFHash - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching: (OFNotification *)notification { int exitStatus = 0; bool calculateMD5, calculateRIPEMD160, calculateSHA1, calculateSHA224; bool calculateSHA256, calculateSHA384, calculateSHA512, isIRI; const OFOptionsParserOption options[] = { { '\0', @"md5", 0, &calculateMD5, NULL }, { '\0', @"ripemd160", 0, &calculateRIPEMD160, NULL }, { '\0', @"rmd160", 0, &calculateRIPEMD160, NULL }, { '\0', @"sha1", 0, &calculateSHA1, NULL }, { '\0', @"sha224", 0, &calculateSHA224, NULL }, { '\0', @"sha256", 0, &calculateSHA256, NULL }, { '\0', @"sha384", 0, &calculateSHA384, NULL }, { '\0', @"sha512", 0, &calculateSHA512, NULL }, { '\0', @"iri", 0, &isIRI, NULL }, { '\0', nil, 0, NULL, NULL } }; OFOptionsParser *optionsParser = [OFOptionsParser parserWithOptions: options]; OFUnichar option; OFMD5Hash *MD5Hash = nil; OFRIPEMD160Hash *RIPEMD160Hash = nil; OFSHA1Hash *SHA1Hash = nil; OFSHA224Hash *SHA224Hash = nil; OFSHA256Hash *SHA256Hash = nil; OFSHA384Hash *SHA384Hash = nil; OFSHA512Hash *SHA512Hash = nil; #ifndef OF_AMIGAOS [OFLocale addLocalizationDirectoryIRI: [OFIRI fileIRIWithPath: @LOCALIZATION_DIR]]; #else [OFLocale addLocalizationDirectoryIRI: [OFIRI fileIRIWithPath: @"PROGDIR:/share/ofhash/localization"]]; #endif while ((option = [optionsParser nextOption]) != '\0') { switch (option) { case '?': if (optionsParser.lastLongOption != nil) [OFStdErr writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"unknown_long_option", @"%[prog]: Unknown option: --%[opt]", @"prog", [OFApplication programName], @"opt", optionsParser.lastLongOption)]; else { OFString *optStr = [OFString stringWithFormat: @"%C", optionsParser.lastOption]; [OFStdErr writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"unknown_option", @"%[prog]: Unknown option: -%[opt]", @"prog", [OFApplication programName], @"opt", optStr)]; } [OFApplication terminateWithStatus: 1]; break; } } #ifdef OF_HAVE_SANDBOX OFSandbox *sandbox = [OFSandbox sandbox]; @try { sandbox.allowsStdIO = true; sandbox.allowsReadingFiles = true; sandbox.allowsUserDatabaseReading = true; if (!isIRI) for (OFString *path in optionsParser.remainingArguments) [sandbox unveilPath: path permissions: @"r"]; [sandbox unveilPath: @LOCALIZATION_DIR permissions: @"r"]; [OFApplication of_activateSandbox: sandbox]; } @finally { [sandbox release]; } #endif if (!calculateMD5 && !calculateRIPEMD160 && !calculateSHA1 && !calculateSHA224 && !calculateSHA256 && !calculateSHA384 && !calculateSHA512) help(); if (optionsParser.remainingArguments.count < 1) help(); if (calculateMD5) MD5Hash = [OFMD5Hash hashWithAllowsSwappableMemory: true]; if (calculateRIPEMD160) RIPEMD160Hash = [OFRIPEMD160Hash hashWithAllowsSwappableMemory: true]; if (calculateSHA1) SHA1Hash = [OFSHA1Hash hashWithAllowsSwappableMemory: true]; if (calculateSHA224) SHA224Hash = [OFSHA224Hash hashWithAllowsSwappableMemory: true]; if (calculateSHA256) SHA256Hash = [OFSHA256Hash hashWithAllowsSwappableMemory: true]; if (calculateSHA384) SHA384Hash = [OFSHA384Hash hashWithAllowsSwappableMemory: true]; if (calculateSHA512) SHA512Hash = [OFSHA512Hash hashWithAllowsSwappableMemory: true]; for (OFString *path in optionsParser.remainingArguments) { void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); OFStream *file; if (!isIRI && [path isEqual: @"-"]) file = OFStdIn; else { @try { if (isIRI) { OFIRI *IRI = [OFIRI IRIWithString: path]; file = [OFIRIHandler openItemAtIRI: IRI mode: @"r"]; } else file = [OFFile fileWithPath: path mode: @"r"]; } @catch (OFOpenItemFailedException *e) { OFString *error = [OFString stringWithCString: strerror(e.errNo) encoding: [OFLocale encoding]]; OFString *filePath = (e.IRI != nil ? e.IRI.string : e.path); [OFStdErr writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"failed_to_open_file", @"Failed to open file %[file]: %[error]", @"file", filePath, @"error", error)]; exitStatus = 1; goto outer_loop_end; } } [MD5Hash reset]; [RIPEMD160Hash reset]; [SHA1Hash reset]; [SHA224Hash reset]; [SHA256Hash reset]; [SHA384Hash reset]; [SHA512Hash reset]; while (!file.atEndOfStream) { uint8_t buffer[1024]; size_t length; @try { length = [file readIntoBuffer: buffer length: 1024]; } @catch (OFReadFailedException *e) { OFString *error = [OFString stringWithCString: strerror(e.errNo) encoding: [OFLocale encoding]]; [OFStdErr writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"failed_to_read_file", @"Failed to read %[file]: %[error]", @"file", path, @"error", error)]; exitStatus = 1; goto outer_loop_end; } if (calculateMD5) [MD5Hash updateWithBuffer: buffer length: length]; if (calculateRIPEMD160) [RIPEMD160Hash updateWithBuffer: buffer length: length]; if (calculateSHA1) [SHA1Hash updateWithBuffer: buffer length: length]; if (calculateSHA224) [SHA224Hash updateWithBuffer: buffer length: length]; if (calculateSHA256) [SHA256Hash updateWithBuffer: buffer length: length]; if (calculateSHA384) [SHA384Hash updateWithBuffer: buffer length: length]; if (calculateSHA512) [SHA512Hash updateWithBuffer: buffer length: length]; } [file close]; if (calculateMD5) printHash(@"MD5", path, MD5Hash); if (calculateRIPEMD160) printHash(@"RIPEMD160", path, RIPEMD160Hash); if (calculateSHA1) printHash(@"SHA1", path, SHA1Hash); if (calculateSHA224) printHash(@"SHA224", path, SHA224Hash); if (calculateSHA256) printHash(@"SHA256", path, SHA256Hash); if (calculateSHA384) printHash(@"SHA384", path, SHA384Hash); if (calculateSHA512) printHash(@"SHA512", path, SHA512Hash); outer_loop_end: objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool); } [OFApplication terminateWithStatus: exitStatus]; } @end