/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in * the packaging of this file. * * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this * file. */ #include "config.h" #import "OFOptionsParser.h" #import "OFApplication.h" #import "OFArray.h" #import "OFMapTable.h" #import "OFInvalidArgumentException.h" static uint32_t stringHash(void *object) { return [(OFString*)object hash]; } static bool stringEqual(void *object1, void *object2) { return [(OFString*)object1 isEqual: (OFString*)object2]; } @implementation OFOptionsParser @synthesize lastOption = _lastOption, lastLongOption = _lastLongOption; @synthesize argument = _argument; + (instancetype)parserWithOptions: (const of_options_parser_option_t*)options { return [[[self alloc] initWithOptions: options] autorelease]; } - init { OF_INVALID_INIT_METHOD } - initWithOptions: (const of_options_parser_option_t*)options { self = [super init]; @try { size_t count = 0; const of_options_parser_option_t *iter; of_options_parser_option_t *iter2; const of_map_table_functions_t keyFunctions = { .hash = stringHash, .equal = stringEqual }; const of_map_table_functions_t objectFunctions = { NULL }; /* Count, sanity check, initialize pointers */ for (iter = options; iter->shortOption != '\0' || iter->longOption != nil; iter++) { if (iter->hasArgument < -1 || iter->hasArgument > 1) @throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception]; if (iter->shortOption != '\0' && iter->hasArgument == -1) @throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception]; if (iter->hasArgument == 0 && iter->argumentPtr != NULL) @throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception]; if (iter->isSpecifiedPtr) *iter->isSpecifiedPtr = false; if (iter->argumentPtr) *iter->argumentPtr = nil; count++; } _longOptions = [[OFMapTable alloc] initWithKeyFunctions: keyFunctions objectFunctions: objectFunctions]; _options = [self allocMemoryWithSize: sizeof(*_options) count: count + 1]; for (iter = options, iter2 = _options; iter->shortOption != '\0' || iter->longOption != nil; iter++, iter2++) { iter2->shortOption = iter->shortOption; iter2->longOption = nil; iter2->hasArgument = iter->hasArgument; iter2->isSpecifiedPtr = iter->isSpecifiedPtr; iter2->argumentPtr = iter->argumentPtr; if (iter->longOption != nil) { @try { iter2->longOption = [iter->longOption copy]; if ([_longOptions objectForKey: iter2->longOption] != NULL) @throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception]; [_longOptions setObject: iter2 forKey: iter2->longOption]; } @catch (id e) { /* * Make sure we are in a consistent * state where dealloc works. */ [iter2->longOption release]; iter2->shortOption = '\0'; iter2->longOption = nil; @throw e; } } } iter2->shortOption = '\0'; iter2->longOption = nil; _arguments = [[OFApplication arguments] retain]; } @catch (id e) { [self release]; @throw e; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { of_options_parser_option_t *iter; [_longOptions release]; if (_options != NULL) for (iter = _options; iter->shortOption != '\0' || iter->longOption != nil; iter++) [iter->longOption release]; [_arguments release]; [_argument release]; [super dealloc]; } - (of_unichar_t)nextOption { of_options_parser_option_t *iter; OFString *argument; if (_done || _index >= [_arguments count]) return '\0'; [_lastLongOption release]; [_argument release]; _lastLongOption = nil; _argument = nil; argument = [_arguments objectAtIndex: _index]; if (_subIndex == 0) { if ([argument length] < 2 || [argument characterAtIndex: 0] != '-') { _done = true; return '\0'; } if ([argument isEqual: @"--"]) { _done = true; _index++; return '\0'; } if ([argument hasPrefix: @"--"]) { void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); size_t pos; of_options_parser_option_t *option; _lastOption = '-'; _index++; if ((pos = [argument rangeOfString: @"="].location) != OF_NOT_FOUND) { of_range_t range = of_range(pos + 1, [argument length] - pos - 1); _argument = [[argument substringWithRange: range] copy]; } else pos = [argument length]; _lastLongOption = [[argument substringWithRange: of_range(2, pos - 2)] copy]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool); option = [_longOptions objectForKey: _lastLongOption]; if (option == NULL) return '?'; if (option->hasArgument == 1 && _argument == nil) return ':'; if (option->hasArgument == 0 && _argument != nil) return '='; if (option->isSpecifiedPtr != NULL) *option->isSpecifiedPtr = true; if (option->argumentPtr != NULL) *option->argumentPtr = [[_argument copy] autorelease]; if (option->shortOption != '\0') _lastOption = option->shortOption; return _lastOption; } _subIndex = 1; } _lastOption = [argument characterAtIndex: _subIndex++]; if (_subIndex >= [argument length]) { _index++; _subIndex = 0; } for (iter = _options; iter->shortOption != '\0' || iter->longOption != nil; iter++) { if (iter->shortOption == _lastOption) { if (iter->hasArgument == 0) { if (iter->isSpecifiedPtr != NULL) *iter->isSpecifiedPtr = true; return _lastOption; } if (_index >= [_arguments count]) return ':'; argument = [_arguments objectAtIndex: _index]; argument = [argument substringWithRange: of_range(_subIndex, [argument length] - _subIndex)]; _argument = [argument copy]; if (iter->isSpecifiedPtr != NULL) *iter->isSpecifiedPtr = true; if (iter->argumentPtr != NULL) *iter->argumentPtr = [[_argument copy] autorelease]; _index++; _subIndex = 0; return _lastOption; } } return '?'; } - (OFArray*)remainingArguments { return [_arguments objectsInRange: of_range(_index, [_arguments count] - _index)]; } @end