ObjFW  Ticket Change Details


Artifact ID: b14aa02defba319e44490929a1a06a29bc04d6fabbc3db1952e555b36eec9ced
Ticket: c34a429b8cd54bc99eaad51fa400932cf48db300
Optimize initWithContentsOfIRI: with file: IRIs
User & Date: js on 2024-03-09 20:33:43

  1. icomment:
    This is obsolete as `-[initWithContentsOfFile:]` is just calling into `-[initWithContentsOfIRI:]` anyway. Yes, it's possible to check the size first and allocate the buffer, but that has problems if the size changes. Hence, this is probably an optimization not worth it. Memory mapped data and strings probably make more sense.
  2. login: "js"
  3. milestone changed to: "none"
  4. mimetype: "text/x-markdown"
  5. resolution changed to: "Overcome_By_Events"
  6. status changed to: "Closed"