ObjFW  Ticket Change Details


Artifact ID: 973e5940fe34ded4c193cc14302ebcf3aeed246f414e4f15dc1cefbf19e95657
Ticket: 1fd9b87257ad22cd6ab86d993f7bc243f85f0b68
Add D-Bus implementation
User & Date: js on 2024-06-01 13:22:24

  1. icomment:
    Given more and more things on Linux require D-Bus these days (e.g. in order to discover the path of a device, as that is handled by systemd these days), a D-Bus implementation should probably be part of ObjFW itself and not limited to GTK applications using ObjFW.
  2. login: "js"
  3. mimetype: "text/x-markdown"