ObjFW  Artifact [2c5b933e84]

Artifact 2c5b933e84c56e3455b9b6a81b037ab0a52110ed6b1be06db711f959fc85c9a2:

  • File src/OFXMLParser.h — part of check-in [48980f2297] at 2015-11-29 11:43:05 on branch trunk — Make properties a requirement and clean up code

    This increases the required GCC version from 4.0 to 4.6 (exception:
    Apple GCC, which already supports this with >= 4.0 starting with OS X
    10.5). Since even GCC 4.6 is really old by now, there is no point in
    still supporting something even older and making the code ugly because
    of that. While some hardware and OS support was dropped from GCC 4.6
    compared to GCC 4.0, there is nothing in there that would be an
    interesting target with the exception of BeOS maybe - but a port to BeOS
    can also be achieved using the Haiku support. The other dropped OSes are
    mostly old versions of OSes while newer ones are still being supported
    (and those newer versions of those OSes still support the same
    hardware). (user: js, size: 7059) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in
 * the packaging of this file.
 * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file
 * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this
 * file.

#import "OFObject.h"
#import "OFString.h"
#import "OFXMLAttribute.h"


@class OFXMLParser;
#ifndef DOXYGEN
@class OFArray OF_GENERIC(ObjectType);
@class OFMutableArray OF_GENERIC(ObjectType);
@class OFMutableDictionary OF_GENERIC(KeyType, ObjectType);
@class OFDataArray;
@class OFStream;

 * @protocol OFXMLParserDelegate OFXMLParser.h ObjFW/OFXMLParser.h
 * @brief A protocol that needs to be implemented by delegates for OFXMLParser.
@protocol OFXMLParserDelegate <OFObject>
 * @brief This callback is called when the XML parser found processing
 *	  instructions.
 * @param parser The parser which found processing instructions
 * @param pi The processing instructions
-		 (void)parser: (OFXMLParser*)parser
  foundProcessingInstructions: (OFString*)pi;

 * @brief This callback is called when the XML parser found the start of a new
 *	  tag.
 * @param parser The parser which found a new tag
 * @param name The name of the tag which just started
 * @param prefix The prefix of the tag which just started or `nil`
 * @param ns The namespace of the tag which just started or `nil`
 * @param attributes The attributes included in the tag which just started or
 *		     `nil`
-    (void)parser: (OFXMLParser*)parser
  didStartElement: (OFString*)name
	   prefix: (nullable OFString*)prefix
	namespace: (nullable OFString*)ns
       attributes: (nullable OFArray OF_GENERIC(OFXMLAttribute*)*)attributes;

 * @brief This callback is called when the XML parser found the end of a tag.
 * @param parser The parser which found the end of a tag
 * @param name The name of the tag which just ended
 * @param prefix The prefix of the tag which just ended or `nil`
 * @param ns The namespace of the tag which just ended or `nil`
-  (void)parser: (OFXMLParser*)parser
  didEndElement: (OFString*)name
	 prefix: (nullable OFString*)prefix
      namespace: (nullable OFString*)ns;

 * @brief This callback is called when the XML parser found characters.
 * In case there are comments or CDATA, it is possible that this callback is
 * called multiple times in a row.
 * @param parser The parser which found a string
 * @param characters The characters the XML parser found
-    (void)parser: (OFXMLParser*)parser
  foundCharacters: (OFString*)characters;

 * @brief This callback is called when the XML parser found CDATA.
 * @param parser The parser which found a string
 * @param CDATA The CDATA the XML parser found
- (void)parser: (OFXMLParser*)parser
    foundCDATA: (OFString*)CDATA;

 * @brief This callback is called when the XML parser found a comment.
 * @param parser The parser which found a comment
 * @param comment The comment the XML parser found
- (void)parser: (OFXMLParser*)parser
  foundComment: (OFString*)comment;

 * @brief This callback is called when the XML parser found an entity it
 *	  doesn't know.
 * The callback is supposed to return a substitution for the entity or `nil` if
 * it is not known to the callback as well, in which case an exception will be
 * risen.
 * @param parser The parser which found an unknown entity
 * @param entity The name of the entity the XML parser didn't know
 * @return A substitution for the entity or `nil`
-	(OFString*)parser: (OFXMLParser*)parser
  foundUnknownEntityNamed: (OFString*)entity;

 * @class OFXMLParser OFXMLParser.h ObjFW/OFXMLParser.h
 * @brief An event-based XML parser.
 * OFXMLParser is an event-based XML parser which calls the delegate's callbacks
 * as soon asit finds something, thus suitable for streams as well.
@interface OFXMLParser: OFObject <OFStringXMLUnescapingDelegate>
	id <OFXMLParserDelegate> _delegate;
	enum {
	} _state;
	size_t _i, _last;
	const char *_data;
	OFDataArray *_buffer;
	OFString *_name, *_prefix;
	    OF_GENERIC(OFMutableDictionary OF_GENERIC(OFString*, OFString*)*)
	OFMutableArray OF_GENERIC(OFXMLAttribute*) *_attributes;
	OFString *_attributeName, *_attributePrefix;
	char _delimiter;
	OFMutableArray OF_GENERIC(OFString*) *_previous;
	size_t _level;
	bool _acceptProlog;
	size_t _lineNumber;
	bool _lastCarriageReturn, _finishedParsing;
	of_string_encoding_t _encoding;
	size_t _depthLimit;

 * The delegate that is used by the XML parser.
@property OF_NULLABLE_PROPERTY (assign) id <OFXMLParserDelegate> delegate;

 * The depth limit for the XML parser.
 * If the depth limit is exceeded, an OFMalformedXMLException is thrown.
 * The default is 32. 0 means unlimited (insecure!).
@property size_t depthLimit;

 * @brief Creates a new XML parser.
 * @return A new, autoreleased OFXMLParser
+ (instancetype)parser;

 * @brief Parses the specified buffer with the specified size.
 * @param buffer The buffer to parse
 * @param length The length of the buffer
- (void)parseBuffer: (const char*)buffer
	     length: (size_t)length;

 * @brief Parses the specified string.
 * @param string The string to parse
- (void)parseString: (OFString*)string;

 * @brief Parses the specified stream.
 * @param stream The stream to parse
- (void)parseStream: (OFStream*)stream;

 * @brief Parses the specified file.
 * @param path The path to the file to parse
- (void)parseFile: (OFString*)path;

 * @brief Returns the current line number.
 * @return The current line number
- (size_t)lineNumber;

 * @brief Returns whether the XML parser has finished parsing.
 * @return Whether the XML parser has finished parsing
- (bool)hasFinishedParsing;

@interface OFObject (OFXMLParserDelegate) <OFXMLParserDelegate>