ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact ffb91daffe96f4784a60da77c2bad3b8ab007b0d611e134fb804ed9ad55db86d:

Manifest of check-in [ffb91daffe] - Initial sockets support for the Wii.

Not functional yet due to bugs in the SDK.
Bugs found so far:

* Binding to port 0 fails instead of choosing a free port.
* gethostbyname() does not work for IPs.
* getsockname() is missing.
* struct sockaddr_storage is missing.

I have not decided yet whether I fix those bugs in the SDK (I already
implemented getsockname() and added struct sockaddr_stroage and it seems
to work) or if I work around them in ObjFW. This will mainly depend on
how cooperative the developers of the Wii SDK are. by js on 2013-06-11 23:33:16.

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