ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact f9557da5e3a56a046708d3aaaf0688fd3430609ec1e3c87c858227fbcb2ac49e:

  • File src/OFMutableString.h — part of check-in [4b56450a24] at 2013-11-24 17:28:31 on branch trunk — of_asprintf: Change %k to %C and %K to %S.

    This reverts 2943b43. It turned out that using %C and %S is possible,
    even when mixing code with Cocoa code, as it is possible to introduce
    __attribute__((format(__OFString__, ...))) to Clang which just handles
    %C and %S as being of_unichar_t instead of unichar like they are handled
    for __attribute__((format(__NSString__, ...))).

    The Clang patch for __attribute__((format(__OFString__, ...))) has been
    submitted, but is not upstream yet, thus the changes for that are not
    being committed yet. (user: js, size: 5824) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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