ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact ee213f3b301d9b4bdc252c801601fa33a3dd09dbd7a96eea31c57c1787b865b1:

  • File configure.ac — part of check-in [b87dab1361] at 2023-01-05 18:35:58 on branch trunk — Don't use -static-libgcc on Windows

    It has a tendency to break exceptions, as only TDM-GCC has patches to
    make it work to use a .dll while statically linking libgcc.

    While in the CLANG64 environment, this is not an issue, the upside of it
    is minimal: It only statically links libunwind instead. While libgcc_s
    contains some things that aren't always needed, what is provided by
    libunwind is always needed. (user: js, size: 58297) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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