ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact e51e2f0116327dba3fff7ae6b21cf5e528ee2154c659046f8656d9b510b06eaa:

  • File src/exceptions/OFBindFailedException.h — part of check-in [8d2a5052fd] at 2014-01-25 17:39:13 on branch trunk — Generalize stream / socket related exceptions

    This is in preparation for adding UDP sockets, as UDP sockets and TCP
    sockets have no common superclass, as one is stream-oriented while the
    other is packet-oriented.

    Read and write exceptions are for any object now, as they are useful for
    a lot more than just for streams, while the others (bind, listen, etc.)
    are for any socket now (the type is id in this case, though, as there is
    no common superclass). (user: js, size: 2306) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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