ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact ddf9f2532ed896dcd43911068a0e840b561fc205cba7753ca2cf366bd67691f8:

  • File src/OFString.h — part of check-in [5eada9f7b0] at 2013-11-23 03:24:43 on branch trunk — of_asprintf: Change %C to %k.

    In Cocoa, %C means unichar, which is unsigned short and thus compilers
    expect %C to be unichar when the language is set to ObjC. It would be
    hard to let compilers detect whether %C should be unichar or
    of_unichar_t, especially when mixing ObjFW and Cocoa code, thus the
    change to %k. (user: js, size: 33117) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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