ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact b5d0945c6acddee1f419f9bc575e2dc8c7fc6b87b632344ccfbc77ff37c53e07:

  • File src/threading_winapi.m — part of check-in [52e02c06ca] at 2014-08-01 12:27:29 on branch trunk — Change return type for thread main

    This changes the return type to void, as the return type of a thread's
    main depends on the threading implementation used. For pthreads, it adds
    a wrapper function which returns NULL to avoid problems with bogus
    return values. For WinAPI threads, the function is just casted, as bogus
    return values don't seem to matter there. (user: js, size: 3783) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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