ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 9fa2393e865305913d77b24b3f03f65fd6c5d8cc1b957765851124963af79cde:

  • File src/OFDictionary.m — part of check-in [24ecf55297] at 2009-06-29 12:33:59 on branch trunk — Changes to OFDictionary, OFIterator and OFList - see details.

    * More optimized way to internally store the data.
    * Faster resizing of dictionaries (no rehashing anymore).

    * Return a key/object pair rather than first the key and then the

    * Support for list objects with a different size so you can have your
    own list object structs. (user: js, size: 7621) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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