ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 9d548c4f336d9d49d9bf431fcadbd571251b3f1a33db29b61da4413282c97672:

  • File src/OFZIPArchive.m — part of check-in [6527c97d03] at 2022-10-09 16:19:17 on branch trunk — OFZIPArchive: Make returned streams retain archive

    In order to not create a retain cycle, this changes the reference to the
    last returned stream to an unsafe unretained one that the stream itself
    needs to reset to nil in its dealloc.

    Since when closing a stream for writing the archive needs to be updated,
    the code for that was moved out of OFZIPArchive and into the stream
    writer, since it now has a reference to the archive anyway. (user: js, size: 24622) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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