ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 91fefa50061d59c98a4d5ee3ece6bceca0f70df88f2a10c256b045d60218e6af:

  • File src/OFApplication.m — part of check-in [c5e7dd679b] at 2013-09-17 16:12:37 on branch trunk — Work around Android bugs.

    * Check environ against NULL before using it, since Android sets it to
    * Cast st_size of struct stat to off_t. Android uses long long for
    st_size as its off_t is only 32 bit, but st_size should be off_t
    according to POSIX.
    * Android's strtod() does not accept 0x, as specified by C99. Thus,
    the test is disabled if __ANDROID__ is defined. (user: js, size: 9892) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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