ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 8e3e77d9794459de7e9fcb8ddf2a9d5fd61ef3b6fbad79195dd31b76b0c00602:

  • File src/OFConstCString.m — part of check-in [b597d49f43] at 2008-10-08 23:15:26 on branch trunk — Multiple changes, see details.

    * OFObject getMem: renamd to getMemWithSize:.
    * OFString compare: renamed to compareTo:.
    * Exceptions don't throw itself anymore.
    * Exceptions include an error string now.
    * Exceptions now got raise and string.
    * New methods for OFFile:
    * changeModeOfFile:toMode:
    * changeOwnerOfFile:toOwner:andGroup:
    * delete:
    * link:to:
    * symlink:to:
    * OFFile isEndOfFile renamd to atEndOfFile
    * OFNotImplementedExeception newWithObject:andMethod renamed to
    * Tests updated accordingly.
    * TODO list added. (user: js, size: 766) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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