ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 80c8d89772d7007cec3076aa4ddaedad0de035541aee5c19d1fb7b78dfab116f:

  • File src/OFKernelEventObserver_kqueue.m — part of check-in [b84490ab4f] at 2016-03-20 12:05:46 on branch 0.8 — Never block when the read buffer is non-empty

    This was broken by 88f2f03. The problem only existed when something was
    in the read buffer, but not processed completely, as after processing
    the read buffer, it would go on to wait for data - but since not the
    entire read buffer had been processed, it meant there was still data
    left there that needed to be handled first. (user: js, size: 5923) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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