ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 74b613ec1f58d40dfa4e2c86b2df6a43d9909f95ad126f47e35f2838228fbf36:

  • File src/OFArray.h — part of check-in [a29d403286] at 2009-05-23 16:50:44 on branch trunk — A few renames in OFArray, OFDataArray and OFDictionary.

    * Rename - object: to - objectAtIndex:.

    * Rename - item: to - itemAtIndex:.

    * Rename - get: to - objectForKey:.
    * Rename - set:to: to - setObject:forKey:.
    * Rename - remove: to - removeObjectForKey:. (user: js, size: 2419) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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