ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 6d34fa57cb10f3a10e622ddc2eaa7303b2d853328715f2e8cb16ad13ff3d0dfa:

  • File tests/OFURLTests.m — part of check-in [516517deb3] at 2016-08-21 14:00:20 on branch trunk — OFURL: Do not URL decode and reencode parts

    URL decoding and reencoding is not lossless: For example, if the query
    was foo=bar&qux=foo%25bar, it will be decoded to foo=bar&qux=foo&bar and
    then reencoded to foo=bar%25qux=foo%25bar, which is a different thing.

    The only way to solve this is to let the application handle the URL
    decoding and encoding according to its own rules, as those might be
    different depending on the application. (user: js, size: 3193) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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