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Artifact 66757147ba0c6ca1b735472ab393f76280d19df21c1db2d920ac814b7588d1cd:

  • File src/OFStdIOStream.m — part of check-in [7a488c3062] at 2018-03-11 00:37:56 on branch trunk — OFString: Move path handling into a category

    This is the first step to have different versions of those for different
    operating systems, rather than #ifdefs everywhere.

    This also has the nice side-effect of not having one implementation in
    OFString and another one in OFString_UTF8 anymore. The one in OFString
    was a generic version, while the one in OFString_UTF8 was one optimized
    for UTF-8 strings. Now only the version optimized for UTF-8 strings
    exists, as this is by far the most common string implementation used,
    and the overhead of converting from something else to UTF-8 is not more
    than converting to UTF-32. (user: js, size: 7002) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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