ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 5a5edecbc34fbc7e94386c4fa2bc06ab0b9a7792d940a0ddd8298a15adfe792e:

  • File src/exceptions/OFBindDDPSocketFailedException.h — part of check-in [9c2f20e736] at 2022-11-03 00:14:27 on branch trunk — OFDDPSocket: Don't include the type with the data

    This seems to be an oddity limited to OSes that have implemented DDP
    exclusively for netatalk, while macOS and Windows don't include it with
    the data.

    While on macOS it's possible to achieve the previous behavior via some
    hacks, this is impossible on Windows, so the proper approach is to
    handle it like everybody else: Specify the protocol type when binding
    and only handle packets of the correct protocol type. (user: js, size: 2984) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]

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