ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 4dd0773bd7adfc43def1d0b124014ab9f40744756446b08d8431247b87c8d6d9:

  • File src/instance.h — part of check-in [d526d938d7] at 2015-11-21 18:35:39 on branch trunk — Remove OF_NULLABLE / OF_NONNULL

    Now that Clang switched to use _Nullable and _Nonnull instead of
    __nullable / __nonnull, there is no longer a conflict with glibc, which
    means we can just define _Nullable / _Nonnull to nothing if they are not
    understood by the compiler (which did not work with __nullable /
    __nonnull due to this conflict).

    This also defines _Null_unspecified to nothing if unavailable. (user: js, size: 814) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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