ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 41e131467f5e709c59aefa09764222f9828673c8d15f99225aea6444c9d34b8e:

  • File src/macros.h — part of check-in [c1fe4b2b77] at 2020-07-12 09:49:35 on branch trunk — Make of_random() a function

    When arc4random() is unavailable, either random() or rand() is used and
    both need to be seeded. If of_random() is a macro, it needs to be
    (re)seeded every time, as it's unknown whether it has already been
    seeded. As it is seeded with gettimeofday() due to the lack of a better
    initial seed, this means every call returns the first state for the
    current time, which is very predictable. random() and rand() are both
    not cryptographic, but this should at least make it a little bit better
    now. (user: js, size: 21483) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]

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