ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 3fc178ff9d3e16438a92b5a4d9aec334e1a8dd4163e2137bcf2f6b1a355c3920:

  • File src/OFSystemInfo.m — part of check-in [4e926dc017] at 2017-12-23 20:35:28 on branch trunk — Implement fallback to NS*SearchPathEnumeration

    This is used when sysdir_*_search_path_enumeration is unavailable.

    Unfortunately, iOS 9 does not support sysdir_*_search_path_enumeration.
    When compiled with a newer SDK, the symbol is available during linking,
    but not at runtime, resulting in a crash. However, newer SDKs also
    dropped NS*SearchPathEnumeration, so that it is not easy to provide a
    fallback. This means that we need to declare all enums, types and
    functions rather than just including them. (user: js, size: 10427) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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