ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 3d16a30f419ff35e6fa4bd4d2ae330fb85848aaa3f31955a6597297be3c45e07:

Manifest of check-in [3d16a30f41] - Rework exceptions.

This mostly removes the argument for the class in which the exception
occurred. As backtraces were recently added for all platforms, the
passed class does not give any extra information on where the exception
occurred anymore.

This also removes a few other arguments which were not too helpful. In
the past, the idea was to pass as many arguments as possible so that it
is easier to find the origin of the exception. However, as backtraces
are a much better way to find the origin, those are not useful anymore
and just make the exception more cumbersome to use. The rule is now to
only pass arguments that might help in recovering from the exception or
provide information that is otherwise not easily accessible. by js on 2013-06-22 12:12:36.

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