ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 3718c4ff224a58be7b6274f9e73e976cd08a1b7debbaf2050fafc37806c0f4f9:

  • File src/OFObject.m — part of check-in [6e357d636d] at 2009-10-19 08:29:45 on branch trunk — Fix a bug in -[freeMemory:].

    This could be an out of bounds write if the last element is free'd,
    as i is pointing to the last element then, which does not exist then
    anymore, as it was already resized. Now, it is set before resizing.

    Additionally, if the realloc to make it smaller fails, we just ignore
    that now - it will still work, as we set the correct size before
    resizing. (user: js, size: 11011) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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