ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 3580326d70cf6220dfb104f13cf4abeb55ab04bdb1e639ffd36b8bc36f1e8ed3:

Manifest of check-in [3580326d70] - runtime: Remove lookup-asm-powerpc-macho.S

The newest compilers for macOS/PowerPC, Apple GCC 4.0.1 and Apple GCC
4.2.1, both fail to compile any code that contains fast enumeration when
using -fgnu-runtime (both crash with a bus error). This means that using
the ObjFW runtime on macOS/PowerPC is no longer possible since ObjFW
started requiring ObjC 2.

macOS/PowerPC with the Apple runtime is still fully supported. by js on 2020-09-29 21:31:25.

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