ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 1f06b0db97f80be5a5c0f896232f861a7ddfd39cbc0f13dc9136843cabbd355c:

  • File utils/ofhttp/ProgressBar.m — part of check-in [06bcb21fc7] at 2017-01-09 06:26:04 on branch trunk — Add OFLocalization

    This singleton gives access to all things locale, including the ability
    to get localized strings.

    This also adds the OF_LOCALIZED() macro. Its first argument is an ID for
    the string to be localized and its second argument is the fallback
    string to be used if it cannot retrieve the localized string. Following
    that are variable name / value pairs to be replaced in the localized

    Getting translated strings is not implemented yet: Instead, it always
    uses the fallback string.

    This also switches ofhttp to localized strings. (user: js, size: 6854) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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