ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 132bb904b53c65d9cbe38a636409ca2ca00ea142af4f0316bb4b12e6b4731a12:

  • File src/runtime/class.m — part of check-in [3b3729a316] at 2019-06-25 20:09:55 on branch trunk — runtime: Don't use static selectors

    Static selectors are initialized by a global constructor that might run
    too late: If a class has a +[load] that triggers an +[initialize], this
    could result in trying to call +[initialize] with the selector in
    class.m still being uninitialized. When this happens, it results in a
    weird looking crash in an entirely unrelated method. This is because
    when uninitialized, the selector name has not been replaced with a
    selector UID yet, meaning the pointer to the selector name is treated as
    the selector UID. As the dispatch only considers the low 16 bits of the
    selector UID for performance reasons, it will just take the low 16 bits
    of the pointer to the selector name as the UID without any complaints.
    This can then result in calling a random method on that class which then
    crashes. (user: js, size: 21746) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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