ObjFW  GUI framework - call for help!

To sum it up:

I want to try porting CoreGTK (the CoreGTK generator) over there: [https://codeberg.org/Letterus/coregtkgen](https://codeberg.org/Letterus/coregtkgen)

This is mainly to get into it. If I succeed there at least would a thin wrapper for GTK3 (and maybe libhandy later). I could use what I've learnt to improve a new version for GTK4.

I am still thinking about the port. It seems Tyler Burton has [implemented a solution](https://codeberg.org/Letterus/coregtkgen/src/branch/objfw/src/BaseClasses/CGTKSignalConnector.m) for way number 1 (ObjC callbacks). I think way 2 (data binding) is missing at all. This is because CoreGTK is a wrapper around GTK only and thus provides no features of GLib as [GObject binding](https://developer.gnome.org/gobject/stable/GBinding.html). On the other hand we probably can't use ObjC binding (KVO) because CoreGTK still uses plain C GObject structs.

What do you think? How much is data binding needed? I know UIKit tries to avoid KVO mostly (compared to AppKit), but I'm not familiar with UIKit programming. Would you recommend to try a port of CoreGTK?