ObjFW  History of src/hid/OHExtendedGamepad.m of c418c97bddcde2aa

History of file src/hid/OHExtendedGamepad.m at check-in c418c97bddcde2aa

Deleted: ObjFWHID: Make OHGameControllerProfile a protocol check-in: [8be13b6bc6] user: js, branch: trunk, size: 0
Added: OHGamepad: Move some elements to OHExtendedGamepad

This allows to have a profile for limited gamepads such as found on the
Nintendo DS rather than only having the raw profile for those. file: [d21610a1a5] check-in: [998339ff24] user: js, branch: trunk, size: 1111 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]