ObjFW  lookup-asm-powerpc64-elf.S at [176e97bd4d]

File src/runtime/lookup-asm/lookup-asm-powerpc64-elf.S artifact abf2533c1d part of check-in 176e97bd4d

 * Copyright (c) 2008-2021 Jonathan Schleifer <js@nil.im>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in
 * the packaging of this file.
 * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file
 * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this
 * file.

#include "config.h"

#include "platform.h"

.globl objc_msg_lookup
.globl objc_msg_lookup_stret
.globl objc_msg_lookup_super
.globl objc_msg_lookup_super_stret

.section .text
.macro GENERATE_LOOKUP name notFound
.section .opd, "aw", @progbits
	.p2align 3
	.quad .Lbegin_\name
	.quad .TOC.@tocbase
	.quad 0
	cmpdi	%r3, 0
	beq-	.LreturnNilMethod

	andi.	%r0, %r3, 1
	bne-	.LtaggedPointer_\name

	ld	%r5, 0(%r3)
	ld	%r5, 64(%r5)

	ld	%r8, 0(%r4)
#ifdef OF_SELUID24
	rlwinm	%r6, %r8, 19, 0x7F8
	rlwinm	%r7, %r8, 27, 0x7F8
	rlwinm	%r8, %r8, 3, 0x7F8

#ifdef OF_SELUID24
	ldx	%r5, %r5, %r6
	ldx	%r5, %r5, %r7
	ldx	%r5, %r5, %r8

	cmpdi	%r5, 0
	beq-	0f

	mr	%r3, %r5

	mflr	%r0
	std	%r0, 16(%r1)
	stdu	%r1, -112(%r1)
	bl	\notFound
	addi	%r1, %r1, 112
	ld	%r0, 16(%r1)
	mtlr	%r0

	addis	%r5, %r2, objc_taggedPointerSecret@toc@ha
	ld	%r5, objc_taggedPointerSecret@toc@l(%r5)
	xor	%r5, %r3, %r5
	rlwinm	%r5, %r5, 2, 0x38

	addis	%r6, %r2, objc_taggedPointerClasses@toc@ha
	addi	%r6, %r6, objc_taggedPointerClasses@toc@l
	ldx	%r5, %r6, %r5
	ld	%r5, 64(%r5)

	b	.Lmain_\name
.type \name, @function
.size \name, .-.Lbegin_\name

.macro GENERATE_LOOKUP_SUPER name lookup
.section .opd, "aw", @progbits
	.p2align 3
	.quad .Lbegin_\name
	.quad .TOC.@tocbase
	.quad 0
	mr	%r5, %r3
	ld	%r3, 0(%r3)
	cmpdi	%r3, 0
	beq-	.LreturnNilMethod

	ld	%r5, 8(%r5)
	ld	%r5, 64(%r5)

	b	.Lmain_\lookup
.type \name, @function
.size \name, .-.Lbegin_\name

GENERATE_LOOKUP objc_msg_lookup objc_methodNotFound
GENERATE_LOOKUP objc_msg_lookup_stret objc_methodNotFound_stret
GENERATE_LOOKUP_SUPER objc_msg_lookup_super objc_msg_lookup
GENERATE_LOOKUP_SUPER objc_msg_lookup_super_stret objc_msg_lookup_stret

	addis	%r3, %r2, nilMethod@toc@ha
	addi	%r3, %r3, nilMethod@toc@l

.section .opd, "aw", @progbits
	.p2align 3
	.quad .Lbegin_nilMethod
	.quad .TOC.@tocbase
	.quad 0
	li	%r3, 0
.type nilMethod, @function
.size nilMethod, .-.Lbegin_nilMethod

#ifdef OF_LINUX
.section .note.GNU-stack, "", @progbits