ObjFW  lookup-asm-sparc64-elf.S at tip

File src/runtime/lookup-asm/lookup-asm-sparc64-elf.S from the latest check-in

 * Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Jonathan Schleifer <js@nil.im>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 only,
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version 3.0 for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version 3.0 along with this program. If not, see
 * <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "config.h"

#include "platform.h"

.globl objc_msg_lookup
.globl objc_msg_lookup_stret
.globl objc_msg_lookup_super
.globl objc_msg_lookup_super_stret

.section .text
.macro GENERATE_LOOKUP name notFound
	brz,pn	%o0, .LreturnNilMethod
	 and	%o0, 1, %o2
	brnz,pn	%o2, .LtaggedPointer_\name

	ldx	[%o0], %o2
	ldx	[%o2 + 64], %o2

#ifdef OF_SELUID24
	ldub	[%o1 + 5], %o3
	ldub	[%o1 + 6], %o4
	ldub	[%o1 + 7], %o5

#ifdef OF_SELUID24
	sll	%o3, 3, %o3
	sll	%o4, 3, %o4
	sll	%o5, 3, %o5

#ifdef OF_SELUID24
	ldx	[%o2 + %o3], %o2
	ldx	[%o2 + %o4], %o2
	ldx	[%o2 + %o5], %o2

	brz,pn	%o2, 0f

	 mov	%o2, %o0

	mov	%o7, %g1
	call	\notFound
	 mov	%g1, %o7

#ifdef OF_PIC
	mov	%o7, %g1
	sethi	%hi(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ - 4), %o3
	call	0f
	 or	%o3, %lo(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ + 4), %o3
	add	%o7, %o3, %o3
	mov	%g1, %o7

	sethi	%hi(objc_taggedPointerSecret), %o2
	or	%o2, %lo(objc_taggedPointerSecret), %o2
#ifdef OF_PIC
	ldx	[%o3 + %o2], %o2
	ldx	[%o2], %o2
	xor	%o0, %o2, %o0
	and	%o0, 0xE, %o0
	sll	%o0, 2, %o0

	sethi	%hi(objc_taggedPointerClasses), %o2
	or	%o2, %lo(objc_taggedPointerClasses), %o2
#ifdef OF_PIC
	ldx	[%o3 + %o2], %o2

	ldx	[%o2 + %o0], %o2
	ba	.Lmain_\name
	 ldx	[%o2 + 64], %o2
.type \name, %function
.size \name, .-\name

.macro GENERATE_LOOKUP_SUPER name lookup
	mov	%o0, %o2
	ldx	[%o0], %o0
	brz,pn	%o0, .LreturnNilMethod

	ldx	[%o2 + 8], %o2
	ba	.Lmain_\lookup
	 ldx	[%o2 + 64], %o2
.type \name, %function
.size \name, .-\name

GENERATE_LOOKUP objc_msg_lookup objc_methodNotFound
GENERATE_LOOKUP objc_msg_lookup_stret objc_methodNotFound_stret
GENERATE_LOOKUP_SUPER objc_msg_lookup_super objc_msg_lookup
GENERATE_LOOKUP_SUPER objc_msg_lookup_super_stret objc_msg_lookup_stret

#ifdef OF_PIC
	mov	%o7, %g1

	sethi	%hi(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ - 4), %o1
	call	0f
	 or	%o1, %lo(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ + 4), %o1
	add	%o7, %o1, %o1

	sethi	%hi(.LnilMethod), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(.LnilMethod), %o0

	jmpl	%g1 + 8, %g0
	 ldx	[%o1 + %o0], %o0
	sethi	%hi(.LnilMethod), %o0
	 or	%o0, %lo(.LnilMethod), %o0

	 clr	%o0

#if defined(OF_LINUX) || defined(OF_HAIKU) || defined(OF_HURD)
.section .note.GNU-stack, "", %progbits