ObjFW  OFHostAddressResolver.m at [e389aa247e]

File src/OFHostAddressResolver.m artifact 1f05972ec7 part of check-in e389aa247e

 * Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Jonathan Schleifer <js@nil.im>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 only,
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version 3.0 for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version 3.0 along with this program. If not, see
 * <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "config.h"

#import "OFHostAddressResolver.h"
#import "OFArray.h"
#import "OFDNSResolver.h"
#import "OFDNSResolverSettings.h"
#import "OFData.h"
#import "OFDate.h"
#import "OFDictionary.h"
#import "OFRunLoop.h"
#import "OFString.h"
#import "OFTimer.h"

#import "OFDNSQueryFailedException.h"
#import "OFInvalidArgumentException.h"
#import "OFInvalidFormatException.h"
#import "OFResolveHostFailedException.h"

@interface OFHostAddressResolverDelegate: OFObject <OFDNSResolverHostDelegate>
	bool _done;
	OFData *_addresses;
	id _exception;

static const OFRunLoopMode resolveRunLoopMode =

static bool
isFQDN(OFString *host, unsigned int minNumberOfDotsInAbsoluteName)
	const char *UTF8String;
	size_t length;
	unsigned int dots;

	if ([host hasSuffix: @"."])
		return true;

	UTF8String = host.UTF8String;
	length = host.UTF8StringLength;
	dots = 0;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
		if (UTF8String[i] == '.')

	return (dots >= minNumberOfDotsInAbsoluteName);

static bool
addressForRecord(OF_KINDOF(OFDNSResourceRecord *) record,
    const OFSocketAddress **address, OFSocketAddressFamily addressFamily)
	switch ([record recordType]) {
#ifdef OF_HAVE_IPV6
	case OFDNSRecordTypeAAAA:
		if (addressFamily != OFSocketAddressFamilyIPv6 &&
		    addressFamily != OFSocketAddressFamilyAny)
			return false;
	case OFDNSRecordTypeA:
		if (addressFamily != OFSocketAddressFamilyIPv4 &&
		    addressFamily != OFSocketAddressFamilyAny)
			return false;
		return false;

	*address = [record address];
	return true;

static void
callDelegateInMode(OFRunLoopMode runLoopMode,
    id <OFDNSResolverHostDelegate> delegate, OFDNSResolver *resolver,
    OFString *host, OFData *addresses, id exception)
	SEL selector = @selector(resolver:didResolveHost:addresses:exception:);

	if ([delegate respondsToSelector: selector]) {
		OFTimer *timer = [OFTimer
		    timerWithTimeInterval: 0
				   target: delegate
				 selector: selector
				   object: resolver
				   object: host
				   object: addresses
				   object: exception
				  repeats: false];
		[[OFRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer: timer
					     forMode: runLoopMode];

@implementation OFHostAddressResolver
- (instancetype)initWithHost: (OFString *)host
	       addressFamily: (OFSocketAddressFamily)addressFamily
		    resolver: (OFDNSResolver *)resolver
		    settings: (OFDNSResolverSettings *)settings
		 runLoopMode: (OFRunLoopMode)runLoopMode
		    delegate: (id <OFDNSResolverHostDelegate>)delegate
	self = [super init];

	@try {
		_host = [host copy];
		_addressFamily = addressFamily;
		_resolver = [resolver retain];
		_settings = [settings copy];
		_runLoopMode = [runLoopMode copy];
		_delegate = [delegate retain];
	} @catch (id e) {
		[self release];
		@throw e;

	return self;

- (void)dealloc
	[_host release];
	[_resolver release];
	[_settings release];
	[_runLoopMode release];
	[_delegate release];
	[_addresses release];

	[super dealloc];

- (void)sendQueries
	OFString *domainName;

	if (!_isFQDN) {
		OFString *searchDomain = @"";

		if (_searchDomainIndex < _settings->_searchDomains.count)
			searchDomain = [_settings->_searchDomains
			    objectAtIndex: _searchDomainIndex];

		domainName = [OFString stringWithFormat: @"%@.%@",
							 _host, searchDomain];
	} else
		domainName = _host;

#ifdef OF_HAVE_IPV6
	if (_addressFamily == OFSocketAddressFamilyIPv6 ||
	    _addressFamily == OFSocketAddressFamilyAny) {
		OFDNSQuery *query = [OFDNSQuery
		    queryWithDomainName: domainName
			       DNSClass: OFDNSClassIN
			     recordType: OFDNSRecordTypeAAAA];
		[_resolver asyncPerformQuery: query
				 runLoopMode: _runLoopMode
				    delegate: self];

	if (_addressFamily == OFSocketAddressFamilyIPv4 ||
	    _addressFamily == OFSocketAddressFamilyAny) {
		OFDNSQuery *query = [OFDNSQuery
		    queryWithDomainName: domainName
			       DNSClass: OFDNSClassIN
			     recordType: OFDNSRecordTypeA];
		[_resolver asyncPerformQuery: query
				 runLoopMode: _runLoopMode
				    delegate: self];

-  (void)resolver: (OFDNSResolver *)resolver
  didPerformQuery: (OFDNSQuery *)query
	 response: (OFDNSResponse *)response
	exception: (id)exception

	if ([exception isKindOfClass: [OFDNSQueryFailedException class]] &&
	    [exception errorCode] == OFDNSResolverErrorCodeServerNameError &&
	    !_isFQDN && _numExpectedResponses == 0 && _addresses.count == 0 &&
	    _searchDomainIndex + 1 < _settings->_searchDomains.count) {
		[self sendQueries];

	for (OF_KINDOF(OFDNSResourceRecord *) record in
	    [response.answerRecords objectForKey: query.domainName]) {
		const OFSocketAddress *address = NULL;
		OFDNSQuery *CNAMEQuery;

		if ([record DNSClass] != OFDNSClassIN)

		if (addressForRecord(record, &address, _addressFamily)) {
			[_addresses addItem: address];

		if ([record recordType] != OFDNSRecordTypeCNAME)

		/* FIXME: Check if it's already in answers */
		CNAMEQuery = [OFDNSQuery queryWithDomainName: [record alias]
						    DNSClass: OFDNSClassIN
						  recordType: query.recordType];
		[_resolver asyncPerformQuery: CNAMEQuery
				 runLoopMode: _runLoopMode
				    delegate: self];

	if (_numExpectedResponses > 0)

	[_addresses makeImmutable];

	if (_addresses.count == 0) {
		[_addresses release];
		_addresses = nil;

		if ([exception isKindOfClass:
		    [OFDNSQueryFailedException class]])
			exception = [OFResolveHostFailedException
			    exceptionWithHost: _host
				addressFamily: _addressFamily
				    errorCode: [exception errorCode]];

		if (exception == nil)
			exception = [OFResolveHostFailedException
			    exceptionWithHost: _host
				addressFamily: _addressFamily
				    errorCode: OFDNSResolverErrorCodeNoResult];
	} else
		exception = nil;

	if ([_delegate respondsToSelector:
		[_delegate resolver: _resolver
		     didResolveHost: _host
			  addresses: _addresses
			  exception: exception];

- (void)asyncResolve
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFArray OF_GENERIC(OFString *) *aliases;

	@try {
		OFSocketAddress address = OFSocketAddressParseIP(_host, 0);
		OFData *addresses = nil;
		id exception = nil;

		if (_addressFamily == address.family ||
		    _addressFamily == OFSocketAddressFamilyAny)
			addresses = [OFData dataWithItems: &address
						    count: 1
						 itemSize: sizeof(address)];
			exception = [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

		callDelegateInMode(_runLoopMode, _delegate, _resolver, _host,
		    addresses, exception);

	} @catch (OFInvalidFormatException *e) {

	if ((aliases = [_settings->_staticHosts objectForKey:
	    _host.lowercaseString]) != nil) {
		OFMutableData *addresses = [OFMutableData
		    dataWithItemSize: sizeof(OFSocketAddress)];
		id exception = nil;

		for (OFString *alias in aliases) {
			OFSocketAddress address;

			@try {
				address = OFSocketAddressParseIP(alias, 0);
			} @catch (OFInvalidFormatException *e) {

			if (_addressFamily != address.family &&
			    _addressFamily != OFSocketAddressFamilyAny)

			[addresses addItem: &address];

		[addresses makeImmutable];

		if (addresses.count == 0) {
			addresses = nil;
			exception = [OFResolveHostFailedException
			    exceptionWithHost: _host
				addressFamily: _addressFamily
				    errorCode: OFDNSResolverErrorCodeNoResult];

		callDelegateInMode(_runLoopMode, _delegate, _resolver, _host,
		    addresses, exception);


	_isFQDN = isFQDN(_host, _settings->_minNumberOfDotsInAbsoluteName);
	_addresses = [[OFMutableData alloc]
	    initWithItemSize: sizeof(OFSocketAddress)];

	[self sendQueries];


- (OFData *)resolve
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFRunLoop *runLoop = [OFRunLoop currentRunLoop];
	OFHostAddressResolverDelegate *delegate;
	OFData *ret;

	delegate = [[[OFHostAddressResolverDelegate alloc] init] autorelease];
	_runLoopMode = [resolveRunLoopMode copy];
	_delegate = [delegate retain];

	[self asyncResolve];

	while (!delegate->_done)
		[runLoop runMode: resolveRunLoopMode beforeDate: nil];

	/* Cleanup */
	[runLoop runMode: resolveRunLoopMode beforeDate: [OFDate date]];

	if (delegate->_exception != nil)
		@throw delegate->_exception;

	ret = [delegate->_addresses copy];
	return [ret autorelease];

@implementation OFHostAddressResolverDelegate
- (void)dealloc
	[_addresses release];
	[_exception release];

	[super dealloc];

- (void)resolver: (OFDNSResolver *)resolver
  didResolveHost: (OFString *)host
       addresses: (OFData *)addresses
       exception: (id)exception
	_addresses = [addresses copy];
	_exception = [exception retain];
	_done = true;