ObjFW  OFExceptions.h at [dfc10dbeb8]

File src/OFExceptions.h artifact 5b59b73e4f part of check-in dfc10dbeb8

 * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in
 * the packaging of this file.

#import "OFObject.h"

 * The OFException class is the base class for all exceptions in ObjFW.
@interface OFException: OFObject
	Class class;
	char  *string;

 * Creates a new exception.
 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \return A new exception
+ newWithClass: (Class)class;

 * Initializes an already allocated OFException.
 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \return An initialized OFException
- initWithClass: (Class)class;

 * \return The class of the object which caused the exception
- (Class)class;

 * \return An error message for the exception as a C string
- (const char*)cString;

 * An OFException indicating there is not enough memory available.
@interface OFNoMemException: OFException
	size_t req_size;

 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param size The size of the memory that couldn't be allocated
 * \return A new no memory exception
+ newWithClass: (Class)class
       andSize: (size_t)size;

 * Initializes an already allocated no memory exception.
 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param size The size of the memory that couldn't be allocated
 * \return An initialized no memory exception
- initWithClass: (Class)class
	andSize: (size_t)size;

 * \return The size of the memoory that couldn't be allocated
- (size_t)requestedSize;

 * An OFException indicating the given memory is not part of the object.
@interface OFMemNotPartOfObjException: OFException
	void *pointer;

 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param ptr A pointer to the memory that is not part of the object
 * \return A new memory not part of object exception
+ newWithClass: (Class)class
    andPointer: (void*)ptr;

 * Initializes an already allocated memory not part of object exception.
 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param ptr A pointer to the memory that is not part of the object
 * \return An initialized memory not part of object exception
- initWithClass: (Class)class
     andPointer: (void*)ptr;

 * \return A pointer to the memory which is not part of the object
- (void*)pointer;

 * An OFException indicating the given value is out of range.
@interface OFOutOfRangeException: OFException {}

 * An OFException indicating that the encoding is invalid for this object.
@interface OFInvalidEncodingException: OFException {}

 * An OFException indicating that the format is invalid.
@interface OFInvalidFormatException: OFException {}

 * An OFException indicating that initializing something failed.
@interface OFInitializationFailedException: OFException

 * An OFException indicating the file couldn't be opened.
@interface OFOpenFileFailedException: OFException
	char *path;
	char *mode;
	int  err;

 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param path A C string of the path to the file tried to open
 * \param mode A C string of the mode in which the file should have been opened
 * \return A new open file failed exception
+ newWithClass: (Class)class
       andPath: (const char*)path
       andMode: (const char*)mode;

 * Initializes an already allocated open file failed exception.
 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param path A C string of the path to the file which couldn't be opened
 * \param mode A C string of the mode in which the file should have been opened
 * \return An initialized open file failed exception
- initWithClass: (Class)class
	andPath: (const char*)path
	andMode: (const char*)mode;

 * \return The errno from when the exception was created
- (int)errNo;

 * \return A C string of the path to the file which couldn't be opened
- (char*)path;

 * \return A C string of the mode in which the file should have been opened
- (char*)mode;

 * An OFException indicating a read or write to the file failed.
@interface OFReadOrWriteFailedException: OFException
	size_t req_size;
	size_t req_items;
	BOOL   has_items;
	int    err;

 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param size The requested size of the data that couldn't be read / written
 * \param nitems The requested number of items that couldn't be read / written
 * \return A new open file failed exception
+ newWithClass: (Class)class
       andSize: (size_t)size
     andNItems: (size_t)nitems;

 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param size The requested size of the data that couldn't be read / written
 * \return A new open file failed exception
+ newWithClass: (Class)class
       andSize: (size_t)size;

 * Initializes an already allocated read or write failed exception.
 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param size The requested size of the data that couldn't be read / written
 * \param nitems The requested number of items that couldn't be read / written
 * \return A new open file failed exception
- initWithClass: (Class)class
	andSize: (size_t)size
      andNItems: (size_t)nitems;

 * Initializes an already allocated read or write failed exception.
 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param size The requested size of the data that couldn't be read / written
 * \return A new open file failed exception
- initWithClass: (Class)class
	andSize: (size_t)size;

 * \return The errno from when the exception was created
- (int)errNo;

 * \return The requested size of the data that couldn't be read / written
- (size_t)requestedSize;

 * \return The requested number of items that coudln't be read / written
- (size_t)requestedItems;

 * \return Whether NItems was specified
- (BOOL)hasNItems;

 * An OFException indicating a read to the file failed.
@interface OFReadFailedException: OFReadOrWriteFailedException {}

 * An OFException indicating a write to the file failed.
@interface OFWriteFailedException: OFReadOrWriteFailedException {}

 * An OFException indicating that setting an option failed.
@interface OFSetOptionFailedException: OFException {}

 * An OFException indicating a socket is not connected or bound.
@interface OFNotConnectedException: OFException {}

 * An OFException indicating an attempt to connect or bind an already connected
 * or bound socket.
@interface OFAlreadyConnectedException: OFException {}

 * An OFException indicating that the specified port is invalid.
@interface OFInvalidPortException: OFException {}

 * An OFException indicating the translation of an address failed.
@interface OFAddressTranslationFailedException: OFException
	char *node;
	char *service;
	int  err;

 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param node The node for which translation was requested
 * \param service The service of the node for which translation was requested
 * \return A new address translation failed exception
+ newWithClass: (Class)class
       andNode: (const char*)node
    andService: (const char*)service;

 * Initializes an already allocated address translation failed exception.
 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param node The node for which translation was requested
 * \param service The service of the node for which translation was requested
 * \return An initialized address translation failed exception
- initWithClass: (Class)class
	andNode: (const char*)node
     andService: (const char*)service;

 * \return The errno from when the exception was created
- (int)errNo;

 * /return The node for which translation was requested
- (const char*)node;

 * \return The service of the node for which translation was requested
- (const char*)service;

 * An OFException indicating that the connection could not be established.
@interface OFConnectionFailedException: OFException
	char	 *host;
	uint16_t port;
	int	 err;

 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param host The host to which the connection failed
 * \param port The port on the host to which the connection failed
 * \return A new connection failed exception
+ newWithClass: (Class)class
       andHost: (const char*)host
       andPort: (uint16_t)port;

 * Initializes an already allocated connection failed exception.
 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param host The host to which the connection failed
 * \param port The port on the host to which the connection failed
 * \return An initialized connection failed exception
- initWithClass: (Class)class
	andHost: (const char*)host
	andPort: (uint16_t)port;

 * \return The errno from when the exception was created
- (int)errNo;

 * \return The host to which the connection failed
- (const char*)host;

 * \return The port on the host to which the connection failed
- (uint16_t)port;

 * An OFException indicating that binding the socket failed.
@interface OFBindFailedException: OFException
	char	 *host;
	uint16_t port;
	int	 family;
	int	 err;

 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param host The host on which binding failed
 * \param port The port on which binding failed
 * \param family The family for which binnding failed
 * \return A new bind failed exception
+ newWithClass: (Class)class
       andHost: (const char*)host
       andPort: (uint16_t)port
     andFamily: (int)family;

 * Initializes an already allocated bind failed exception.
 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param host The host on which binding failed
 * \param port The port on which binding failed
 * \param family The family for which binnding failed
 * \return An initialized bind failed exception
- initWithClass: (Class)class
	andHost: (const char*)host
	andPort: (uint16_t)port
      andFamily: (int)family;

 * \return The errno from when the exception was created
- (int)errNo;

 * \return The host on which binding failed
- (const char*)host;

 * \return The port on which binding failed
- (uint16_t)port;

 * \return The family for which binding failed
- (int)family;

 * An OFException indicating that listening on the socket failed.
@interface OFListenFailedException: OFException
	int backlog;
	int err;

 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param backlog The requested size of the back log
 * \return A new listen failed exception
+ newWithClass: (Class)class
    andBackLog: (int)backlog;

 * Initializes an already allocated listen failed exception
 * \param class The class of the object which caused the exception
 * \param backlog The requested size of the back log
 * \return An initialized listen failed exception
- initWithClass: (Class)class
     andBackLog: (int)backlog;

 * \return The errno from when the exception was created
- (int)errNo;

 * \return The requested back log.
- (int)backLog;

 * An OFException indicating that accepting a connection failed.
@interface OFAcceptFailedException: OFException
	int err;

 * \return The errno from when the exception was created
- (int)errNo;