ObjFW  OFAutoreleasePool.m at [b58e44112a]

File tests/OFAutoreleasePool/OFAutoreleasePool.m artifact 42a1c16a8e part of check-in b58e44112a

 * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in
 * the packaging of this file.

#import "config.h"

#import "OFAutoreleasePool.h"

#import <stdio.h>

#ifndef _WIN32
#define ZD "%zd"
#define ZD "%u"

@interface TestObject: OFObject
- init;
- retain;
- (void)release;

@implementation TestObject
- init
	id ret;
	ret = [super init];
	printf("New %s with retain cnt " ZD "\n", [self name],
	    [ret retainCount]);

	return ret;

- retain
	id ret;

	ret = [super retain];
	printf("Retaining %s to " ZD "\n", [self name], [ret retainCount]);

	return ret;

- (void)release
	printf("Releasing %s to " ZD "\n", [self name], [self retainCount] - 1);

	return [super release];

	[TestObject poseAs: [OFObject class]];

	OFObject *o1, *o2, *o3;
	OFAutoreleasePool *pool1, *pool2;

	o1 = [[OFObject new] autorelease];

	pool1 = [OFAutoreleasePool new];
	o2 = [[OFObject new] autorelease];
	[pool1 releaseObjects];

	o2 = [[OFObject new] autorelease];

	pool2 = [OFAutoreleasePool new];
	o3 = [[OFObject new] autorelease];

	[pool1 release];
	[o3 free];

	return 0;