ObjFW  OFThread.h at [b0a56c3273]

File src/OFThread.h artifact 965a5e323a part of check-in b0a56c3273

 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in
 * the packaging of this file.
 * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file
 * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this
 * file.

#import "OFObject.h"
#import "OFList.h"

#import "threading.h"

@class OFDate;

typedef id (^of_thread_block_t)(id object);

 * \brief A class for Thread Local Storage keys.
@interface OFTLSKey: OFObject
	of_tlskey_t key;
/* Work around a bug in gcc 4.4.4 (possibly only on Haiku) */
#if !defined(__GNUC__) || __GNUC__ != 4 || __GNUC_MINOR__ != 4 || \
    __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ != 4
	void (*destructor)(id);
	of_list_object_t *listObject;
	BOOL initialized;

 * \return A new autoreleased Thread Local Storage key
+ TLSKey;

 * \param destructor A destructor that is called when the thread is terminated
 * \return A new autoreleased Thread Local Storage key
+ TLSKeyWithDestructor: (void(*)(id))destructor;

+ (void)callAllDestructors;

 * \return An initialized Thread Local Storage key
- init;

 * \param destructor A destructor that is called when the thread is terminated
 * \return An initialized Thread Local Storage key
- initWithDestructor: (void(*)(id))destructor;

 * \brief A class which provides portable threads.
 * To use it, you should create a new class derived from it and reimplement
 * main.
@interface OFThread: OFObject
	id object;
	of_thread_t thread;
	enum {
	} running;
	of_thread_block_t block;
	id returnValue;

#if defined(OF_HAVE_PROPERTIES) && defined(OF_HAVE_BLOCKS)
@property (retain) of_thread_block_t block;

 * \return A new, autoreleased thread
+ thread;

 * \param object An object which is passed for use in the main method or nil
 * \return A new, autoreleased thread
+ threadWithObject: (id)object;

 * \param block A block which is executed by the thread
 * \return A new, autoreleased thread
+ threadWithBlock: (of_thread_block_t)block;

 * \param block A block which is executed by the thread
 * \param object An object which is passed for use in the main method or nil
 * \return A new, autoreleased thread
+ threadWithBlock: (of_thread_block_t)block
	   object: (id)object;

 * Sets the Thread Local Storage for the specified key.
 * The specified object is first retained and then the object stored before is
 * released. You can specify nil as object if you want the old object to be
 * released and don't want any new object for the TLS key.
 * \param key The Thread Local Storage key
 * \param object The object the Thread Local Storage key will be set to
+ (void)setObject: (id)object
	forTLSKey: (OFTLSKey*)key;

 * Returns the object for the specified Thread Local Storage key.
 * The returned object is <i>not</i> retained and autoreleased for performance
 * reasons!
 * \param key The Thread Local Storage key
+ (id)objectForTLSKey: (OFTLSKey*)key;

 * \return The current thread or nil if we are in the main thread
+ (OFThread*)currentThread;

 * Suspends execution of the current thread for the specified time interval.
 * \param seconds The number of seconds to sleep
+ (void)sleepForTimeInterval: (int64_t)seconds;

 * Suspends execution of the current thread for the specified time interval.
 * \param seconds The number of seconds to sleep
 * \param microseconds The number of microseconds to sleep
+ (void)sleepForTimeInterval: (int64_t)seconds
		microseconds: (uint32_t)microseconds;

 * Suspends execution of the current thread until the specified date.
+ (void)sleepUntilDate: (OFDate*)date;

 * Yields a processor voluntarily and moves the thread at the end of the queue
 * for its priority.
+ (void)yield;

 * Terminates the current thread, letting it return nil.
+ (void)terminate;

 * Terminates the current thread, letting it return the specified object.
 * \param object The object which the terminated thread will return
+ (void)terminateWithObject: (id)object;

 * \param object An object which is passed for use in the main method or nil
 * \return An initialized OFThread.
- initWithObject: (id)object;

 * \param block A block which is executed by the thread
 * \return An initialized OFThread.
- initWithBlock: (of_thread_block_t)block;

 * \param block A block which is executed by the thread
 * \param object An object which is passed for use in the main method or nil
 * \return An initialized OFThread.
- initWithBlock: (of_thread_block_t)block
	 object: (id)object;

 * The main routine of the thread. You need to reimplement this!
 * It can access the object passed to the threadWithObject or initWithObject
 * method using the instance variable named object.
 * \return The object the join method should return when called for this thread
- (id)main;

 * This routine is exectued when the thread's main method has finished executing
 * or terminate has been called.
- (void)handleTermination;

 * Starts the thread.
- (void)start;

 * Joins a thread.
 * \return The object returned by the main method of the thread.
- (id)join;

 * \brief A class for creating mutual exclusions.
@interface OFMutex: OFObject
	of_mutex_t mutex;
	BOOL initialized;

 * \return A new autoreleased mutex.
+ mutex;

 * Locks the mutex.
- (void)lock;

 * Tries to lock the mutex and returns a boolean whether the mutex could be
 * acquired.
 * \return A boolean whether the mutex could be acquired
- (BOOL)tryLock;

 * Unlocks the mutex.
- (void)unlock;

 * \brief A class implementing a condition variable for thread synchronization.
@interface OFCondition: OFMutex
	of_condition_t condition;
	BOOL conditionInitialized;

 * \return A new, autoreleased OFCondition
+ condition;

 * Blocks the current thread until another thread calls -[signal] or
 * -[broadcast].
- (void)wait;

 * Signals the next waiting thread to continue.
- (void)signal;

 * Signals all threads to continue.
- (void)broadcast;