ObjFW  OFThread.h at [965a8ad9be]

File src/OFThread.h artifact 0fc65e199a part of check-in 965a8ad9be

 * Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Jonathan Schleifer <js@nil.im>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 only,
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version 3.0 for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version 3.0 along with this program. If not, see
 * <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <setjmp.h>

#import "OFObject.h"
# import "OFPlainThread.h"


/** @file */

@class OFDate;
@class OFDNSResolver;
@class OFRunLoop;
@class OFMutableDictionary OF_GENERIC(KeyType, ObjectType);

#if defined(OF_HAVE_THREADS) && defined(OF_HAVE_BLOCKS)
 * @brief A block to be executed in a new thread.
 * @return The object which should be returned when the thread is joined
typedef id _Nullable (^OFThreadBlock)(void);

 * @class OFThread OFThread.h ObjFW/ObjFW.h
 * @brief A class which provides portable threads.
 * To use it, you should create a new class derived from it and reimplement
 * main.
 * @warning Some operating systems such as AmigaOS need special per-thread
 *	    initialization of sockets. If you intend to use sockets in the
 *	    thread, set the @ref supportsSockets property to true before
 *	    starting it.
 * @warning Even though the OFCopying protocol is implemented, it does *not*
 *	    return an independent copy of the thread, but instead retains it.
 *	    This is so that the thread can be used as a key for a dictionary,
 *	    so context can be associated with a thread.
@interface OFThread: OFObject
	OFPlainThread _thread;
	OFPlainThreadAttributes _attr;
	enum OFThreadState {
	} _running;
	void *_pool;
# endif
	OFThreadBlock _Nullable _block;
# endif
	jmp_buf _exitEnv;
	id _returnValue;
	bool _supportsSockets;
	OFRunLoop *_Nullable _runLoop;
	OFMutableDictionary *_threadDictionary;
	OFString *_Nullable _name;
	OFDNSResolver *_DNSResolver;
# endif

@property (class, readonly, nullable, nonatomic) OFThread *currentThread;
@property (class, readonly, nullable, nonatomic) OFThread *mainThread;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) bool isMainThread;
@property (class, readonly, nullable, nonatomic)
    OFMutableDictionary *threadDictionary;
@property (class, nullable, copy, nonatomic) OFString *name;
# endif
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) OFDNSResolver *DNSResolver;
# endif

 * @brief The name for the thread to use when starting it.
 * @note While this can be changed after the thread has been started, it will
 *	 have no effect once the thread started. If you want to change the name
 *	 of the current thread after it has been started, look at the class
 *	 method @ref setName:.
@property OF_NULLABLE_PROPERTY (copy) OFString *name;

 * @brief The block to execute in the thread.
@property OF_NULLABLE_PROPERTY (readonly, nonatomic) OFThreadBlock block;
# endif

 * @brief The run loop for the thread.
@property (readonly, nonatomic) OFRunLoop *runLoop;

 * @brief The priority of the thread.
 * @note This has to be set before the thread is started!
 * This is a value between -1.0 (meaning lowest priority that still schedules)
 * and +1.0 (meaning highest priority that still allows getting preempted)
 * with normal priority being 0.0 (meaning being the same as the main thread).
 * @throw OFThreadStillRunningException The thread is already/still running and
 *					thus the priority cannot be changed
@property (nonatomic) float priority;

 * @brief The stack size of the thread.
 * @note This has to be set before the thread is started!
 * @throw OFThreadStillRunningException The thread is already/still running and
 *					thus the stack size cannot be changed
@property (nonatomic) size_t stackSize;

 * @brief Whether the thread supports sockets.
 * Some operating systems such as AmigaOS need special per-thread
 * initialization of sockets. If you intend to use sockets in the thread, set
 * this property to true before starting the thread.
 * @throw OFThreadStillRunningException The thread is already/still running and
 *					thus the sockets support cannot be
 *					enabled/disabled
@property (nonatomic) bool supportsSockets;

 * @brief Creates a new thread.
 * @return A new, autoreleased thread
+ (instancetype)thread;

 * @brief Creates a new thread with the specified block.
 * @param block A block which is executed by the thread
 * @return A new, autoreleased thread
+ (instancetype)threadWithBlock: (OFThreadBlock)block;
# endif

 * @brief Returns the current thread.
 * @return The current thread
+ (nullable OFThread *)currentThread;

 * @brief Returns the main thread.
 * @return The main thread
+ (nullable OFThread *)mainThread;

 * @brief Returns whether the current thread is the main thread.
 * @return Whether the current thread is the main thread.
+ (bool)isMainThread;

 * @brief Returns a dictionary to store thread-specific data, meaning it
 *	  returns a different dictionary for every thread.
 * @return A dictionary to store thread-specific data
+ (nullable OFMutableDictionary *)threadDictionary;

 * @brief Returns the DNS resolver for the current thread.
 * Constructs the DNS resolver is there is none yet, unless @ref currentThread
 * is `nil`, in which case it returns `nil`.
 * @return The DNS resolver for the current thread
+ (nullable OFDNSResolver *)DNSResolver;

 * @brief Suspends execution of the current thread for the specified time
 *	  interval.
 * @param timeInterval The number of seconds to sleep
+ (void)sleepForTimeInterval: (OFTimeInterval)timeInterval;

 * @brief Suspends execution of the current thread until the specified date.
 * @param date The date to wait for
+ (void)sleepUntilDate: (OFDate *)date;

 * @brief Yields a processor voluntarily and moves the thread to the end of the
 *	  queue for its priority.
+ (void)yield;

#if defined(OF_WII) || defined(OF_NINTENDO_DS) || defined(OF_NINTENDO_3DS) || \
 * @brief Waits for the vertical blank.
 * @note This method is only available on Wii, Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS.
+ (void)waitForVerticalBlank;

 * @brief Terminates the current thread, letting it return `nil`.
+ (void)terminate OF_NO_RETURN;

 * @brief Terminates the current thread, letting it return the specified object.
 * @param object The object which the terminated thread will return
 * @throw OFInvalidArgumentException The method was called from the main thread
+ (void)terminateWithObject: (nullable id)object OF_NO_RETURN;

 * @brief Sets the name of the current thread.
 * Unlike the instance method, this can be used after the thread has been
 * started.
 * @param name The new name for the current thread.
+ (void)setName: (nullable OFString *)name;

 * @brief Returns the name of the current thread.
 * @return The name of the current thread.
+ (nullable OFString *)name;

 * @brief Initializes an already allocated thread with the specified block.
 * @param block A block which is executed by the thread
 * @return An initialized OFThread.
- (instancetype)initWithBlock: (OFThreadBlock)block;
# endif

 * @brief The main routine of the thread. You need to reimplement this!
 * @return The object the join method should return when called for this thread
- (nullable id)main;

 * @brief This routine is executed when the thread's main method has finished
 *	  executing or terminate has been called.
 * @note Be sure to call `[super handleTermination]`!
- (void)handleTermination OF_REQUIRES_SUPER;

 * @brief Starts the thread.
 * @throw OFStartThreadFailedException Starting the thread failed
 * @throw OFThreadStillRunningException The thread is still running
- (void)start;

 * @brief Joins a thread.
 * @return The object returned by the main method of the thread.
 * @throw OFJoinThreadFailedException Joining the thread failed
- (id)join;
- (instancetype)init OF_UNAVAILABLE;