ObjFW  OFNotificationCenter.h at [841dd6ddef]

File src/OFNotificationCenter.h artifact 86c8ff2ef9 part of check-in 841dd6ddef

 * Copyright (c) 2008-2023 Jonathan Schleifer <js@nil.im>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in
 * the packaging of this file.
 * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file
 * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this
 * file.

#import "OFObject.h"
#import "OFNotification.h"


@class OFMutableDictionary OF_GENERIC(KeyType, ObjectType);
@class OFMutex;

 * @brief A block which is called when a notification has been posted.
 * @param notification The notification that has been posted
typedef void (^OFNotificationCenterBlock)(OFNotification *notification);

 * @class OFNotificationCenter OFNotificationCenter.h \
 *	  ObjFW/OFNotificationCenter.h
 * @brief A class to send and register for notifications.
@interface OFNotificationCenter: OFObject
	OFMutex *_mutex;
	OFMutableDictionary *_handles;

@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) OFNotificationCenter *defaultCenter;

 * @brief Returns the default notification center.
+ (OFNotificationCenter *)defaultCenter;

 * @brief Adds an observer for the specified notification and object.
 * @param observer The object that should receive notifications
 * @param selector The selector to call on the observer on notifications. The
 *		   method must take exactly one object of type
 *		   @ref OFNotification.
 * @param name The name of the notification to observe
 * @param object The object that should be sending the notification, or `nil`
 *		 if the object should be ignored to determine what
 *		 notifications to deliver
- (void)addObserver: (id)observer
	   selector: (SEL)selector
	       name: (OFNotificationName)name
	     object: (nullable id)object;

 * @brief Removes an observer. All parameters must match those used with
 *	  @ref addObserver:selector:name:object:.
 * @param observer The observer that was specified when adding the observer
 * @param selector The selector that was specified when adding the observer
 * @param name The name that was specified when adding the observer
 * @param object The object that was specified when adding the observer
- (void)removeObserver: (id)observer
	      selector: (SEL)selector
		  name: (OFNotificationName)name
		object: (nullable id)object;

 * @brief Adds an observer for the specified notification and object.
 * To remove the observer again, use @ref removeObserver:.
 * @param name The name of the notification to observe
 * @param object The object that should be sending the notification, or `nil`
 *		 if the object should be ignored to determine what
 *		 notifications to deliver
 * @param block The block to handle notifications
 * @return An opaque object to remove the observer again
- (id)addObserverForName: (OFNotificationName)name
		  object: (nullable id)object
	      usingBlock: (OFNotificationCenterBlock)block;

 * @brief Removes an observer. The specified observer must be one returned by
 *	  @ref addObserver:selector:name:object:.
 * @param observer The object that was returned when adding the observer
- (void)removeObserver: (id)observer;

 * @brief Posts the specified notification.
 * @param notification The notification to post
- (void)postNotification: (OFNotification *)notification;

 * @brief Posts a notification with the specified name and object.
 * @param name The name for the notification
 * @param object The object for the notification
- (void)postNotificationName: (OFNotificationName)name
		      object: (nullable id)object;

 * @brief Posts a notification with the specified name, object and additional
 *	  information.
 * @param name The name for the notification
 * @param object The object for the notification
 * @param userInfo Additional information for the notification
- (void)postNotificationName: (OFNotificationName)name
		      object: (nullable id)object
		    userInfo: (nullable OFDictionary *)userInfo;