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<OFCopying> Protocol Reference

A protocol for the creation of copies. More...

#include <ObjFW/OFObject.h>

Inheritance diagram for <OFCopying>:
OFArray <OFCryptographicHash> OFDNSQuery OFDNSResourceRecord OFData OFDatagramSocket OFDate OFDictionary OFHTTPCookie OFHTTPRequest OFIRI OFLHAArchiveEntry OFList OFMapTable OFMatrix4x4 OFMessagePackExtension OFNotification OFNull OFPair OFSequencedPacketSocket OFSet OFStream OFString OFTarArchiveEntry OFTriple OFUUID OFValue OFXMLNode OFZIPArchiveEntry OFZooArchiveEntry

Instance Methods

(id) - copy
 Copies the object.

Detailed Description

A protocol for the creation of copies.

Method Documentation

◆ copy

- (id) copy

Copies the object.

For classes which can be immutable or mutable, this returns an immutable copy. If only a mutable version of the class exists, it creates a mutable copy.

A copy of the object

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: