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OFFileManager.h File Reference
import "OFObject.h"
import "OFDictionary.h"

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class  OFFileManager
 A class which provides management for files, e.g. reading contents of directories, deleting files, renaming files, etc. More...


typedef OFConstantStringOFFileAttributeKey
 A key for a file attribute in the file attributes dictionary.
typedef OFConstantStringOFFileAttributeType
 The type of a file.
typedef OFDictionaryOFFileAttributes
 A dictionary mapping keys of type OFFileAttributeKey to their attribute values.
typedef OFMutableDictionaryOFMutableFileAttributes
 A mutable dictionary mapping keys of type OFFileAttributeKey to their attribute values.


const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileSize
 The size of the file as an OFNumber.
const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileType
 The type of the file.
const OFFileAttributeKey OFFilePOSIXPermissions
 The POSIX permissions of the file as an OFNumber.
const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileOwnerAccountID
 The account ID of the owner of the file as an OFNumber.
const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileGroupOwnerAccountID
 The account ID of the group owner of the file as an OFNumber.
const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileOwnerAccountName
 The account name of the owner of the file as an OFString.
const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileGroupOwnerAccountName
 The account name of the group owner of the file as an OFString.
const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileLastAccessDate
 The last access date of the file as an OFDate.
const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileModificationDate
 The last modification date of the file as an OFDate.
const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileStatusChangeDate
 The last status change date of the file as an OFDate.
const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileCreationDate
 The creation date of the file as an OFDate.
const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileSymbolicLinkDestination
 The destination of a symbolic link as an OFString.
const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileExtendedAttributesNames
 The names of the extended attributes as an OFArray of OFString.
const OFFileAttributeType OFFileTypeRegular
 A regular file.
const OFFileAttributeType OFFileTypeDirectory
 A directory.
const OFFileAttributeType OFFileTypeSymbolicLink
 A symbolic link.
const OFFileAttributeType OFFileTypeFIFO
const OFFileAttributeType OFFileTypeCharacterSpecial
 A character special file.
const OFFileAttributeType OFFileTypeBlockSpecial
 A block special file.
const OFFileAttributeType OFFileTypeSocket
 A socket.
const OFFileAttributeType OFFileTypeUnknown
 An unknown file type.

Typedef Documentation

◆ OFFileAttributeKey

◆ OFFileAttributeType

The type of a file.

Possibles values for file IRIs are:

Other IRI schemes might not have all types and might have types not listed.

Variable Documentation

◆ OFFileCreationDate

const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileCreationDate

The creation date of the file as an OFDate.

For convenience, a category on OFDictionary is provided to access this via OFDictionary::fileCreationDate.

◆ OFFileExtendedAttributesNames

const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileExtendedAttributesNames

The names of the extended attributes as an OFArray of OFString.

For convenience, a category on OFDictionary is provided to access this via OFDictionary::fileExtendedAttributesNames.

◆ OFFileGroupOwnerAccountID

const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileGroupOwnerAccountID

The account ID of the group owner of the file as an OFNumber.

For convenience, a category on OFDictionary is provided to access this via OFDictionary::fileGroupOwnerAccountID.

◆ OFFileGroupOwnerAccountName

const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileGroupOwnerAccountName

The account name of the group owner of the file as an OFString.

For convenience, a category on OFDictionary is provided to access this via OFDictionary::fileGroupOwnerAccountName.

◆ OFFileLastAccessDate

const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileLastAccessDate

The last access date of the file as an OFDate.

For convenience, a category on OFDictionary is provided to access this via OFDictionary::fileLastAccessDate.

◆ OFFileModificationDate

const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileModificationDate

The last modification date of the file as an OFDate.

For convenience, a category on OFDictionary is provided to access this via OFDictionary::fileModificationDate.

◆ OFFileOwnerAccountID

const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileOwnerAccountID

The account ID of the owner of the file as an OFNumber.

For convenience, a category on OFDictionary is provided to access this via OFDictionary::fileOwnerAccountID.

◆ OFFileOwnerAccountName

const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileOwnerAccountName

The account name of the owner of the file as an OFString.

For convenience, a category on OFDictionary is provided to access this via OFDictionary::fileOwnerAccountName.

◆ OFFilePOSIXPermissions

const OFFileAttributeKey OFFilePOSIXPermissions

The POSIX permissions of the file as an OFNumber.

For convenience, a category on OFDictionary is provided to access this via OFDictionary::filePOSIXPermissions.

◆ OFFileSize

const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileSize

The size of the file as an OFNumber.

For convenience, a category on OFDictionary is provided to access this via OFDictionary::fileSize.

◆ OFFileStatusChangeDate

const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileStatusChangeDate

The last status change date of the file as an OFDate.

For convenience, a category on OFDictionary is provided to access this via OFDictionary::fileStatusChangeDate.

◆ OFFileSymbolicLinkDestination

const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileSymbolicLinkDestination

The destination of a symbolic link as an OFString.

For convenience, a category on OFDictionary is provided to access this via OFDictionary::fileSymbolicLinkDestination.

◆ OFFileType

const OFFileAttributeKey OFFileType

The type of the file.

The corresponding value is of type OFFileAttributeType.

For convenience, a category on OFDictionary is provided to access this via OFDictionary::fileType.

◆ OFFileTypeUnknown

const OFFileAttributeType OFFileTypeUnknown

An unknown file type.

This is different from not having an OFFileType at all in that it means that retrieving file types is supported, but the particular file type is unknown.