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OFScryptParameters Struct Reference

The parameters for OFScrypt. More...

#include <OFScrypt.h>

Public Attributes

size_t blockSize
 The block size to use.
size_t costFactor
 The CPU/memory cost factor to use.
size_t parallelization
 The parallelization to use.
const unsigned char * salt
 The salt to derive a key with.
size_t saltLength
 The length of the salt.
const char * password
 The password to derive a key from.
size_t passwordLength
 The length of the password.
unsigned char * key
 The buffer to write the key to.
size_t keyLength
 The desired length for the derived key.
bool allowsSwappableMemory
 Whether data may be stored in swappable memory.

Detailed Description

The parameters for OFScrypt.

Member Data Documentation

◆ keyLength

size_t OFScryptParameters::keyLength

The desired length for the derived key.

key needs to have enough storage.

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