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<OFCollection> Protocol Reference

A protocol with methods common for all collections. More...

#include <ObjFW/OFCollection.h>

Inheritance diagram for <OFCollection>:
<OFEnumeration> <OFFastEnumeration> OFArray OFDictionary OFList OFSet OFMutableArray OFMutableDictionary OTOrderedDictionary OFSortedList OFMutableSet OFCountedSet

Instance Methods

(bool) - containsObject:
 Checks whether the collection contains an object equal to the specified object.
- Instance Methods inherited from <OFEnumeration>
(OFEnumerator *) - objectEnumerator
 Returns an OFEnumerator to enumerate through all objects of the collection.
- Instance Methods inherited from <OFFastEnumeration>
(int) - countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:
 A method which is called by the code produced by the compiler when doing a fast enumeration.


size_t count
 The number of objects in the collection.

Detailed Description

A protocol with methods common for all collections.

Method Documentation

◆ containsObject:

- (bool) containsObject: (id) object

Checks whether the collection contains an object equal to the specified object.

objectThe object which is checked for being in the collection
A boolean whether the collection contains the specified object

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: