ObjFW  Top-level Files of 1a38a540aaa0ec3872aa39293ee9d71dbc3539e3a8085198cd6080e419627d7f

Files in the top-level directory of check-in 1a38a540aaa0ec3872aa39293ee9d71dbc3539e3a8085198cd6080e419627d7f

ObjFW is a portable, lightweight framework for the Objective C language. It enables you to write an application in Objective C that will run on any platform supported by ObjFW without having to worry about differences between operating systems or various frameworks that you would otherwise need if you want to be portable.

See https://webkeks.org/objfw for more information.


To install ObjFW, just run the following commands:

$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

In case you checked out ObjFW from the Git repository, you need to run the following command first:

$ ./autogen.sh

Building as a Mac OS X framework

It is also possible to build ObjFW as a Mac OS X framework. To do so, just execute xcodebuild -target ObjFW in the root directory of ObjFW or open the .xcodeproj in Xcode and choose Build -> Build from the menu. Copy the resulting ObjFW.framework to /Library/Frameworks and you are done.

Using the Mac OS X framework in Xcode

To use the Mac OS X framework in Xcode, you need to add the .framework to your project and add the following flags to "Other C Flags":

-fconstant-string-class=OFConstantString -fno-constant-cfstrings

Optionally, if you want to use blocks, you also need to add:


Bugs and feature requests

If you find any bugs or have feature requests, feel free to send a mail to js-spam@webkeks.org (remove -spam from the address!).