ObjFW  Artifact [e76a2d543a]

Artifact e76a2d543a7f9a38cac3694d04b8b1635927293c0c49d3ca6a9ef95aace6e212:

Wiki page [Release process] by js on 2024-01-15 20:08:56.
D 2024-01-15T20:08:56.978
L Release\sprocess
N text/x-markdown
U js
W 1689
# Release process

1. Make sure the library version has been increased for all libraries that had changes / bug fixes. Don't forget to increase the minor for every library that had new features added and the patch level for every library that had bug fixes!
1. Change the version in `AC_INIT` and the `BUNDLE_VERSION` in `configure.ac` and commit. This commit should have the `${version}-release` tag!
1. Push and make sure the tag propagates to Git as well.
1. Run `fossil up ${version}-release` and run `fossil clean -x -v`, then `./autogen.sh && ./configure`. Don't forget this, or the version might be wrong!
1. Generate and sign tarballs using `make release`.
1. Extract `objfw-${version}.tar.gz` and `objfw-docs-${version}.tar.gz` as well as `objfw-${previousVersion}.tar.gz` and `objfw-docs-${previousVersion}.tar.gz`. Then diff the current against the previous version and check nothing unexpected is in there.
1. Upload the tarballs and their signatures.
1. Extract the new documentation and put it [here](https://objfw.nil.im/docs/).
1. Update the [`LATEST`](https://objfw.nil.im/docs/LATEST) symlink.
1. Update the [](Releases) page.
1. Update the [](News) page.
1. Announce the new release on the [Fediverse](https://ap.nil.im/objfw).
1. Announce the new release in the Matrix room.

## Distributions

### pkgsrc

In `devel/objfw`:

1. Edit `Makefile` to increase version.
1. Run `make makesum` to update `distinfo`. Check it is correct.
1. Run `make package`.
1. Run `make update-PLIST >PLIST` to update the `PLIST`. Look at the diff and fix any custom `PLIST` entries that this reverted. Pay attention to what is already in the other `PLIST.*` files!
Z 4add9295d858428727769cb2ab3f3489