ObjFW  Artifact [e3a197e96b]

Artifact e3a197e96be2e9b6d019cddfaceae26c867ba8091d432b690275fcf2a5536388:

  • File tests/OFObject/OFObject.m — part of check-in [033054ad75] at 2009-05-29 19:21:57 on branch trunk — A few renames.

    * OFNoMemException to OFOutOfMemoryException.
    * OFMemNotPartOfObjException to OFMemoryNotPartOfObjectException.

    * -[addItemToMemoryPool:] to -[addMemoryToPool:].
    * -[allocWithSize:] to -[allocMemoryWithSize:].
    * -[allocNItems:withSize] to -[allocMemoryForNItems:withSize:].
    * -[resizeMem:toSize] to -[resizeMemory:toSize:].
    * -[resizeMem:toNItems:withSize:] to
    * -[freeMem] to -[freeMemory:].

    * -[urlencode] to -[urlEncodedString].
    * -[urldecode] to -[urlDecodedString]. (user: js, size: 2874) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in
 * the packaging of this file.

#include "config.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>

#import "OFObject.h"
#import "OFExceptions.h"

#define CATCH_EXCEPTION(code, exception)		\
	@try {						\
		code;					\
		puts("NOT CAUGHT!");			\
		return 1;				\
	} @catch (exception *e) {			\
		puts("CAUGHT! Error string was:");	\
		puts([[e string] cString]);		\
		puts("Resuming...");			\

	OFObject *obj = [[OFObject alloc] init];
	void *p, *q, *r;

	/* Test freeing memory not allocated by obj */
	puts("Freeing memory not allocated by object (should throw an "
	CATCH_EXCEPTION([obj freeMemory: NULL],

	/* Test allocating memory */
	puts("Allocating memory through object...");
	p = [obj allocMemoryWithSize: 4096];
	puts("Allocated 4096 bytes.");

	/* Test freeing the just allocated memory */
	puts("Freeing just allocated memory...");
	[obj freeMemory: p];

	/* It shouldn't be recognized as part of our obj anymore */
	puts("Trying to free it again (should throw an exception)...");
	CATCH_EXCEPTION([obj freeMemory: p], OFMemoryNotPartOfObjectException)

	/* Test multiple memory chunks */
	puts("Allocating 3 chunks of memory...");
	p = [obj allocMemoryWithSize: 4096];
	q = [obj allocMemoryWithSize: 4096];
	r = [obj allocMemoryWithSize: 4096];
	puts("Allocated 3 * 4096 bytes.");

	/* Free them */
	puts("Now freeing them...");
	[obj freeMemory: p];
	[obj freeMemory: q];
	[obj freeMemory: r];
	puts("Freed them all.");

	/* Try to free again */
	puts("Now trying to free them again...");
	CATCH_EXCEPTION([obj freeMemory: p], OFMemoryNotPartOfObjectException)
	CATCH_EXCEPTION([obj freeMemory: q], OFMemoryNotPartOfObjectException)
	CATCH_EXCEPTION([obj freeMemory: r], OFMemoryNotPartOfObjectException)
	puts("Got all 3!");

	puts("Trying to allocate more memory than possible...");
	CATCH_EXCEPTION(p = [obj allocMemoryWithSize: SIZE_MAX],

	puts("Allocating 1 byte...");
	p = [obj allocMemoryWithSize: 1];

	puts("Trying to resize that 1 byte to more than possible...");
	CATCH_EXCEPTION(p = [obj resizeMemory: p
				       toSize: SIZE_MAX],

	puts("Trying to resize NULL to 1024 bytes...");
	p = [obj resizeMemory: NULL
		       toSize: 1024];
	[obj freeMemory: p];

	puts("Trying to resize memory that is not part of object...");
	CATCH_EXCEPTION(p = [obj resizeMemory: (void*)1
				       toSize: 1024],

	/* TODO: Test if freeing object frees all memory */

	return 0;