ObjFW  Artifact [cdca107008]

Artifact cdca107008d2e53ec5fcde4a18c5afa213742383195d7fcf8684975d181dc1fe:

  • File tests/OFDictionary/OFDictionary.m — part of check-in [bbf1f79b8f] at 2009-09-08 16:06:10 on branch trunk — New OFDictionary implementation and removal of a hack in OFList.

    The new implementation is easier to use as it does automatic resizing,
    but therefore it's not realtime-capable anymore. The new implementation
    should also be a little bit faster.

    I decided to change the implementation as only very few need a
    realtime-capable dictionary and those few will most likely write their
    own implementation for their specific case anyway.

    As the new implementation no longer uses OFList, this also made it
    possible to remove a hack from OFList. (user: js, size: 4105) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in
 * the packaging of this file.

#include "config.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#import "OFAutoreleasePool.h"
#import "OFDictionary.h"
#import "OFString.h"
#import "OFExceptions.h"

#define TESTS 14

	int i = 0;

	OFDictionary *dict = [OFMutableDictionary dictionary];
	OFDictionary *dict2;
	OFArray *keys, *objs;
	OFIterator *iter;
	of_iterator_pair_t pair[2];

	OFAutoreleasePool *pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
	OFString *key1 = [OFString stringWithString: @"key1"];
	OFString *key2 = [OFString stringWithString: @"key2"];
	OFString *value1 = [OFString stringWithString: @"value1"];
	OFString *value2 = [OFString stringWithString: @"value2"];

	[dict setObject: value1
		 forKey: key1];
	[dict setObject: value2
		 forKey: key2];
	[pool release];

	if (strcmp([[dict objectForKey: @"key1"] cString], "value1")) {
		printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS);
		return 1;

	if (strcmp([[dict objectForKey: key2] cString], "value2")) {
		printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS);
		return 1;

	iter = [dict iterator];
	pair[0] = [iter nextKeyObjectPair];
	pair[1] = [iter nextKeyObjectPair];
	if (![pair[0].key isEqual: @"key1"] ||
	    ![pair[0].object isEqual: @"value1"] ||
	    ![pair[1].key isEqual: @"key2"] ||
	    ![pair[1].object isEqual: @"value2"]) {
		printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS);
		return 1;

	if ([dict count] != 2) {
		printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS);
		return 1;

	if ([iter nextKeyObjectPair].object != nil) {
		printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS);
		return 1;

	if ([dict objectForKey: @"key3"] != nil) {
		printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS);
		return 1;

	[dict release];
	dict = [OFDictionary dictionaryWithKeysAndObjects: @"foo", @"bar",
							   @"baz", @"qux",

	if (![[dict objectForKey: @"foo"] isEqual: @"bar"]) {
		printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS);
		return 1;

	if (![[dict objectForKey: @"baz"] isEqual: @"qux"]) {
		printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS);
		return 1;

	[dict release];
	dict = [OFDictionary dictionaryWithObject: @"bar"
					   forKey: @"foo"];
	if (![[dict objectForKey: @"foo"] isEqual: @"bar"]) {
		printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS);
		return 1;

	[dict release];
	keys = [OFArray arrayWithObjects: @"k1", @"k2", nil];
	objs = [OFArray arrayWithObjects: @"o1", @"o2", nil];
	dict = [OFDictionary dictionaryWithObjects: objs
					   forKeys: keys];
	if (![[dict objectForKey: @"k1"] isEqual: @"o1"]) {
		printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS);
		return 1;

	if (![[dict objectForKey: @"k2"] isEqual: @"o2"]) {
		printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS);
		return 1;

	dict2 = [dict copy];
	[dict release];
	if (![[dict2 objectForKey: @"k1"] isEqual: @"o1"] ||
	    ![[dict2 objectForKey: @"k2"] isEqual: @"o2"]) {
		printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS);
		return 1;

	dict = [dict2 mutableCopy];
	[dict2 release];
	if (![[dict objectForKey: @"k1"] isEqual: @"o1"] ||
	    ![[dict objectForKey: @"k2"] isEqual: @"o2"]) {
		printf("\033[k\033[1;31mtest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS);
		return 1;

	[dict setObject: @"o0" forKey: @"k1"];
	[dict setObject: @"o3" forKey: @"k3"];
	if (![[dict objectForKey: @"k1"] isEqual: @"o0"] ||
	    ![[dict objectForKey: @"k2"] isEqual: @"o2"] ||
	    ![[dict objectForKey: @"k3"] isEqual: @"o3"]) {
		printf("\033[k\033[1;31mtest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS);
		return 1;

	printf("\033[1;32mTests successful: %d/%d\033[0m\n", i, TESTS);

	return 0;