ObjFW  Artifact [c74b1f841a]

Artifact c74b1f841af2d2c27717481ffd7eff0cccfc76d2e278295a4aea0d6982172369:

  • File src/OFConstantString.m — part of check-in [e1e7ffa903] at 2011-09-22 23:25:42 on branch trunk — Exceptions are now autoreleased.

    This is safe as an "exception loop" can't happen, since if allocating
    an exception fails, it throws an OFAllocFailedException which is
    preallocated and can always be thrown.

    So, the worst case would be that an autorelease of an exception fails,
    triggering an OFOutOfMemoryException for which there is no memory,
    resulting in an OFAllocFailedException to be thrown. (user: js, size: 13342) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in
 * the packaging of this file.
 * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file
 * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this
 * file.

#include "config.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#import "OFConstantString.h"

#import "OFInvalidEncodingException.h"
#import "OFNotImplementedException.h"
#import "OFOutOfMemoryException.h"

# import <objc/runtime.h>

void *_OFConstantStringClassReference;

@implementation OFConstantString
+ (void)load

- (void)finishInitialization
	struct of_string_ivars *ivars;

	if (initialized == SIZE_MAX)

	if ((ivars = malloc(sizeof(*ivars))) == NULL)
		@throw [OFOutOfMemoryException
		    exceptionWithClass: isa
			 requestedSize: sizeof(*ivars)];
	memset(ivars, 0, sizeof(*ivars));

	ivars->cString = (char*)s;
	ivars->cStringLength = initialized;

	switch (of_string_check_utf8(ivars->cString, ivars->cStringLength,
	    &ivars->length)) {
	case 1:
		ivars->UTF8 = YES;
	case -1:
		@throw [OFInvalidEncodingException exceptionWithClass: isa];

	s = ivars;
	initialized = SIZE_MAX;

 * The following methods are not available since it's a constant string, which
 * can't be allocated or initialized at runtime.
+ alloc
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: self
						    selector: _cmd];

- init
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithUTF8String: (const char*)UTF8String
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithUTF8String: (const char*)UTF8String
	      length: (size_t)UTF8StringLength
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithCString: (const char*)cString
	 encoding: (of_string_encoding_t)encoding
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithCString: (const char*)cString
	 encoding: (of_string_encoding_t)encoding
	   length: (size_t)cStringLength
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithString: (OFString*)string
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithUnicodeString: (of_unichar_t*)string
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithUnicodeString: (of_unichar_t*)string
	      byteOrder: (of_endianess_t)byteOrder
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithUnicodeString: (of_unichar_t*)string
		 length: (size_t)length
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithUnicodeString: (of_unichar_t*)string
	      byteOrder: (of_endianess_t)byteOrder
		 length: (size_t)length
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithUTF16String: (uint16_t*)string
	    byteOrder: (of_endianess_t)byteOrder
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithUTF16String: (uint16_t*)string
	       length: (size_t)length
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithUTF16String: (uint16_t*)string
	    byteOrder: (of_endianess_t)byteOrder
	       length: (size_t)length
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithFormat: (OFConstantString*)format, ...
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithFormat: (OFConstantString*)format
       arguments: (va_list)args
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithPath: (OFString*)firstComponent, ...
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithPath: (OFString*)firstComponent
     arguments: (va_list)arguments
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithContentsOfFile: (OFString*)path
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithContentsOfFile: (OFString*)path
		encoding: (of_string_encoding_t)encoding
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithContentsOfURL: (OFURL*)URL
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

- initWithContentsOfURL: (OFURL*)URL
	       encoding: (of_string_encoding_t)encoding
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

/* From protocol OFSerializing */
- initWithSerialization: (OFXMLElement*)element
	Class c = isa;
	[self release];
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: c
						    selector: _cmd];

 * The following methods are not available because constant strings are
 * preallocated by the compiler and thus don't have a memory pool.
- (void)addMemoryToPool: (void*)ptr
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: isa
						    selector: _cmd];

- (void*)allocMemoryWithSize: (size_t)size
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: isa
						    selector: _cmd];

- (void*)allocMemoryForNItems: (size_t)nitems
		     withSize: (size_t)size
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: isa
						    selector: _cmd];

- (void*)resizeMemory: (void*)ptr
	       toSize: (size_t)size
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: isa
						    selector: _cmd];

- (void*)resizeMemory: (void*)ptr
	     toNItems: (size_t)nitems
	     withSize: (size_t)size
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: isa
						    selector: _cmd];

- (void)freeMemory: (void*)ptr
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: isa
						    selector: _cmd];

 * The following methods are unnecessary because constant strings are
 * singletons.
- retain
	return self;

- autorelease
	return self;

- (unsigned int)retainCount

- (void)release

- (void)dealloc
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithClass: isa
						    selector: _cmd];
	[super dealloc];	/* Get rid of a stupid warning */

 * In all following methods, it is checked whether the constant string has been
 * initialized. If not, it will be initialized. Finally, the implementation of
 * the superclass will be called.

/* From protocol OFCopying */
- copy
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super copy];

/* From protocol OFMutableCopying */
- mutableCopy
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super mutableCopy];

/* From protocol OFComparing */
- (of_comparison_result_t)compare: (id)object
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super compare: object];

/* From OFObject, but reimplemented in OFString */
- (BOOL)isEqual: (id)object
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super isEqual: object];

- (uint32_t)hash
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super hash];

- (OFString*)description
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super description];

/* From OFString */
- (const char*)UTF8String
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super UTF8String];

- (const char*)cStringWithEncoding: (of_string_encoding_t)encoding
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super cStringWithEncoding: encoding];

- (size_t)length
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super length];

- (size_t)UTF8StringLength
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super UTF8StringLength];

- (size_t)cStringLengthWithEncoding: (of_string_encoding_t)encoding
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super cStringLengthWithEncoding: encoding];

- (of_comparison_result_t)caseInsensitiveCompare: (OFString*)otherString
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super caseInsensitiveCompare: otherString];

- (of_unichar_t)characterAtIndex: (size_t)index
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super characterAtIndex: index];

- (size_t)indexOfFirstOccurrenceOfString: (OFString*)string
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super indexOfFirstOccurrenceOfString: string];

- (size_t)indexOfLastOccurrenceOfString: (OFString*)string
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super indexOfLastOccurrenceOfString: string];

- (BOOL)containsString: (OFString*)string
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super containsString: string];

- (OFString*)substringWithRange: (of_range_t)range
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super substringWithRange: range];

- (OFString*)stringByAppendingString: (OFString*)string
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super stringByAppendingString: string];

- (OFString*)stringByPrependingString: (OFString*)string
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super stringByPrependingString: string];

- (OFString*)uppercaseString
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super uppercaseString];

- (OFString*)lowercaseString
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super lowercaseString];

- (OFString*)stringByDeletingLeadingWhitespaces
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super stringByDeletingLeadingWhitespaces];

- (OFString*)stringByDeletingTrailingWhitespaces
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super stringByDeletingTrailingWhitespaces];

- (OFString*)stringByDeletingEnclosingWhitespaces
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super stringByDeletingEnclosingWhitespaces];

- (BOOL)hasPrefix: (OFString*)prefix
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super hasPrefix: prefix];

- (BOOL)hasSuffix: (OFString*)suffix
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super hasSuffix: suffix];

- (OFArray*)componentsSeparatedByString: (OFString*)delimiter
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super componentsSeparatedByString: delimiter];

- (OFArray*)pathComponents
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super pathComponents];

- (OFString*)lastPathComponent
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super lastPathComponent];

- (OFString*)stringByDeletingLastPathComponent
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];

- (intmax_t)decimalValue
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super decimalValue];

- (uintmax_t)hexadecimalValue
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super hexadecimalValue];

- (float)floatValue
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super floatValue];

- (double)doubleValue
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super doubleValue];

- (of_unichar_t*)unicodeString
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super unicodeString];

- (void)writeToFile: (OFString*)path
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super writeToFile: path];

- (void)enumerateLinesUsingBlock: (of_string_line_enumeration_block_t)block
	if (initialized != SIZE_MAX)
		[self finishInitialization];

	return [super enumerateLinesUsingBlock: block];