ObjFW  Artifact [c3b70333fd]

Artifact c3b70333fd1893c9a808174763fbc64fffd79ec7ea613a69463425b86334738c:

  • File src/OFArray.m — part of check-in [13ee56edf3] at 2014-06-21 21:43:43 on branch trunk — Move all macros from OFObject.h to macros.h

    This means that OFObject.h imports macros.h now, making it unnecessary
    to manually import macros.h in almost every file. And while at it, also
    import autorelease.h in OFObject.h, so that this doesn't need to be
    manually imported in almost every file as well. (user: js, size: 17841) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in
 * the packaging of this file.
 * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file
 * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this
 * file.

#include "config.h"

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <assert.h>

#import "OFArray.h"
#import "OFArray_subarray.h"
#import "OFArray_adjacent.h"
#import "OFString.h"
#import "OFXMLElement.h"
#import "OFDataArray.h"

#import "OFEnumerationMutationException.h"
#import "OFInvalidArgumentException.h"
#import "OFOutOfRangeException.h"

static struct {
	Class isa;
} placeholder;

@interface OFArray (OF_PRIVATE_CATEGORY)
- (OFString*)OF_JSONRepresentationWithOptions: (int)options
					depth: (size_t)depth;

@interface OFArray_placeholder: OFArray

@implementation OFArray_placeholder
- init
	return (id)[[OFArray_adjacent alloc] init];

- initWithObject: (id)object
	return (id)[[OFArray_adjacent alloc] initWithObject: object];

- initWithObjects: (id)firstObject, ...
	id ret;
	va_list arguments;

	va_start(arguments, firstObject);
	ret = [[OFArray_adjacent alloc] initWithObject: firstObject
					     arguments: arguments];

	return ret;

- initWithObject: (id)firstObject
       arguments: (va_list)arguments
	return (id)[[OFArray_adjacent alloc] initWithObject: firstObject
						  arguments: arguments];

- initWithArray: (OFArray*)array
	return (id)[[OFArray_adjacent alloc] initWithArray: array];

- initWithObjects: (id const*)objects
	    count: (size_t)count
	return (id)[[OFArray_adjacent alloc] initWithObjects: objects
						       count: count];

- initWithSerialization: (OFXMLElement*)element
	return (id)[[OFArray_adjacent alloc] initWithSerialization: element];

- retain
	return self;

- autorelease
	return self;

- (void)release

- (void)dealloc

	/* Get rid of a stupid warning */
	[super dealloc];

@implementation OFArray
+ (void)initialize
	if (self == [OFArray class])
		placeholder.isa = [OFArray_placeholder class];

+ alloc
	if (self == [OFArray class])
		return (id)&placeholder;

	return [super alloc];

+ (instancetype)array
	return [[[self alloc] init] autorelease];

+ (instancetype)arrayWithObject: (id)object
	return [[[self alloc] initWithObject: object] autorelease];

+ (instancetype)arrayWithObjects: (id)firstObject, ...
	id ret;
	va_list arguments;

	va_start(arguments, firstObject);
	ret = [[[self alloc] initWithObject: firstObject
				  arguments: arguments] autorelease];

	return ret;

+ (instancetype)arrayWithArray: (OFArray*)array
	return [[[self alloc] initWithArray: array] autorelease];

+ (instancetype)arrayWithObjects: (id const*)objects
			   count: (size_t)count
	return [[[self alloc] initWithObjects: objects
					count: count] autorelease];

- init
	if (object_getClass(self) == [OFArray class]) {
		@try {
			[self doesNotRecognizeSelector: _cmd];
		} @catch (id e) {
			[self release];
			@throw e;


	return [super init];

- initWithObject: (id)object
	if (object == nil) {
		[self release];
		@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

	return [self initWithObjects: object, nil];

- initWithObjects: (id)firstObject, ...
	id ret;
	va_list arguments;

	va_start(arguments, firstObject);
	ret = [self initWithObject: firstObject
			 arguments: arguments];

	return ret;

- initWithObject: (id)firstObject
       arguments: (va_list)arguments

- initWithArray: (OFArray*)array

- initWithObjects: (id const*)objects
	    count: (size_t)count

- initWithSerialization: (OFXMLElement*)element

- (size_t)count

- (void)getObjects: (id*)buffer
	   inRange: (of_range_t)range
	size_t i;

	for (i = 0; i < range.length; i++)
		buffer[i] = [self objectAtIndex: range.location + i];

- (id const*)objects
	OFObject *container;
	size_t count;
	id *buffer;

	container = [[[OFObject alloc] init] autorelease];
	count = [self count];
	buffer = [container allocMemoryWithSize: sizeof(*buffer)
					  count: [self count]];

	[self getObjects: buffer
		 inRange: of_range(0, count)];

	return buffer;

- copy
	return [self retain];

- mutableCopy
	return [[OFMutableArray alloc] initWithArray: self];

- (id)objectAtIndex: (size_t)index

- (id)objectAtIndexedSubscript: (size_t)index
	return [self objectAtIndex: index];

- (size_t)indexOfObject: (id)object
	size_t i, count;

	if (object == nil)
		return OF_NOT_FOUND;

	count = [self count];

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		if ([[self objectAtIndex: i] isEqual: object])
			return i;

	return OF_NOT_FOUND;

- (size_t)indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: (id)object
	size_t i, count;

	if (object == nil)
		return OF_NOT_FOUND;

	count = [self count];

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		if ([self objectAtIndex: i] == object)
			return i;

	return OF_NOT_FOUND;

- (bool)containsObject: (id)object
	return ([self indexOfObject: object] != OF_NOT_FOUND);

- (bool)containsObjectIdenticalTo: (id)object
	return ([self indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: object] != OF_NOT_FOUND);

- (id)firstObject
	if ([self count] > 0)
		return [self objectAtIndex: 0];

	return nil;

- (id)lastObject
	size_t count = [self count];

	if (count > 0)
		return [self objectAtIndex: count - 1];

	return nil;

- (OFArray*)objectsInRange: (of_range_t)range
	OFArray *ret;
	id *buffer;

	if (range.length > SIZE_MAX - range.location ||
	    range.location + range.length < [self count])
		@throw [OFOutOfRangeException exception];

	if (![self isKindOfClass: [OFMutableArray class]])
		return [OFArray_subarray arrayWithArray: self
						  range: range];

	buffer = [self allocMemoryWithSize: sizeof(*buffer)
				     count: range.length];

	@try {
		[self getObjects: buffer
			 inRange: range];

		ret = [OFArray arrayWithObjects: buffer
					  count: range.length];
	} @finally {
		[self freeMemory: buffer];

	return ret;

- (OFString*)componentsJoinedByString: (OFString*)separator
	return [self componentsJoinedByString: separator
				usingSelector: @selector(description)
				      options: 0];

- (OFString*)componentsJoinedByString: (OFString*)separator
			      options: (int)options
	return [self componentsJoinedByString: separator
				usingSelector: @selector(description)
				      options: options];

- (OFString*)componentsJoinedByString: (OFString*)separator
			usingSelector: (SEL)selector
	return [self componentsJoinedByString: separator
				usingSelector: selector
				      options: 0];

- (OFString*)componentsJoinedByString: (OFString*)separator
			usingSelector: (SEL)selector
			      options: (int)options
	void *pool;
	OFMutableString *ret;
	id const *objects;
	size_t i, count;

	if (separator == nil)
		@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

	count = [self count];

	if (count == 0)
		return @"";
	if (count == 1)
		return [[self firstObject] performSelector: selector];

	ret = [OFMutableString string];

	pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	objects = [self objects];

	if (options & OF_ARRAY_SKIP_EMPTY) {
		for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			void *pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
			OFString *component =
			    [objects[i] performSelector: selector];

			if ([component length] > 0) {
				if ([ret length] > 0)
					[ret appendString: separator];
				[ret appendString: component];

	} else {
		for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) {
			void *pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

			[ret appendString:
			    [objects[i] performSelector: selector]];
			[ret appendString: separator];

		[ret appendString: [objects[i] performSelector: selector]];

	[ret makeImmutable];


	return ret;

- (bool)isEqual: (id)object
	/* FIXME: Optimize (for example, buffer of 16 for each) */
	OFArray *otherArray;
	size_t i, count;

	if (![object isKindOfClass: [OFArray class]])
		return false;

	otherArray = object;

	count = [self count];

	if (count != [otherArray count])
		return false;

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		if (![[self objectAtIndex: i] isEqual:
		    [otherArray objectAtIndex: i]])
			return false;

	return true;

- (uint32_t)hash
	id const *objects = [self objects];
	size_t i, count = [self count];
	uint32_t hash;


	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		OF_HASH_ADD_HASH(hash, [objects[i] hash]);


	return hash;

- (OFString*)description
	void *pool;
	OFMutableString *ret;

	if ([self count] == 0)
		return @"()";

	pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	ret = [[self componentsJoinedByString: @",\n"] mutableCopy];

	@try {
		[ret prependString: @"(\n"];
		[ret replaceOccurrencesOfString: @"\n"
				     withString: @"\n\t"];
		[ret appendString: @"\n)"];
	} @catch (id e) {
		[ret release];
		@throw e;


	[ret makeImmutable];

	return [ret autorelease];

- (OFXMLElement*)XMLElementBySerializing
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFXMLElement *element;
	id <OFSerialization> const *objects = [self objects];
	size_t i, count = [self count];

	if ([self isKindOfClass: [OFMutableArray class]])
		element = [OFXMLElement elementWithName: @"OFMutableArray"
					      namespace: OF_SERIALIZATION_NS];
		element = [OFXMLElement elementWithName: @"OFArray"
					      namespace: OF_SERIALIZATION_NS];

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		void *pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

		[element addChild: [objects[i] XMLElementBySerializing]];


	[element retain];


	return [element autorelease];

- (OFString*)JSONRepresentation
	return [self OF_JSONRepresentationWithOptions: 0
						depth: 0];

- (OFString*)JSONRepresentationWithOptions: (int)options
	return [self OF_JSONRepresentationWithOptions: options
						depth: 0];

- (OFString*)OF_JSONRepresentationWithOptions: (int)options
					depth: (size_t)depth
	OFMutableString *JSON = [OFMutableString stringWithString: @"["];
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFEnumerator *enumerator = [self objectEnumerator];
	id object;
	size_t i, count = [self count];

		OFMutableString *indentation = [OFMutableString string];

		for (i = 0; i < depth; i++)
			[indentation appendString: @"\t"];

		[JSON appendString: @"\n"];

		i = 0;
		while ((object = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) {
			void *pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

			[JSON appendString: indentation];
			[JSON appendString: @"\t"];
			[JSON appendString: [object
			    OF_JSONRepresentationWithOptions: options
						       depth: depth + 1]];

			if (++i < count)
				[JSON appendString: @",\n"];
				[JSON appendString: @"\n"];


		[JSON appendString: indentation];
	} else {
		i = 0;
		while ((object = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) {
			void *pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

			[JSON appendString: [object
			    OF_JSONRepresentationWithOptions: options
						       depth: depth + 1]];

			if (++i < count)
				[JSON appendString: @","];


	[JSON appendString: @"]"];
	[JSON makeImmutable];


	return JSON;

- (OFDataArray*)messagePackRepresentation
	OFDataArray *data;
	size_t i, count;
	void *pool;
	OFEnumerator *enumerator;
	id object;

	data = [OFDataArray dataArray];
	count = [self count];

	if (count <= 15) {
		uint8_t tmp = 0x90 | ((uint8_t)count & 0xF);
		[data addItem: &tmp];
	} else if (count <= UINT16_MAX) {
		uint8_t type = 0xDC;
		uint16_t tmp = OF_BSWAP16_IF_LE((uint16_t)count);

		[data addItem: &type];
		[data addItems: &tmp
			 count: sizeof(tmp)];
	} else if (count <= UINT32_MAX) {
		uint8_t type = 0xDC;
		uint32_t tmp = OF_BSWAP32_IF_LE((uint32_t)count);

		[data addItem: &type];
		[data addItems: &tmp
			 count: sizeof(tmp)];
	} else
		@throw [OFOutOfRangeException exception];

	pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

	i = 0;
	enumerator = [self objectEnumerator];
	while ((object = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) {
		void *pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
		OFDataArray *child;


		child = [object messagePackRepresentation];
		[data addItems: [child items]
			 count: [child count]];


	assert(i == count);


	return data;

- (void)makeObjectsPerformSelector: (SEL)selector
	id const *objects = [self objects];
	size_t i, count = [self count];

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		[objects[i] performSelector: selector];

- (void)makeObjectsPerformSelector: (SEL)selector
			withObject: (id)object
	id const *objects = [self objects];
	size_t i, count = [self count];

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		[objects[i] performSelector: selector
				 withObject: object];

- (OFArray*)sortedArray
	OFMutableArray *new = [[self mutableCopy] autorelease];

	[new sort];

	[new makeImmutable];

	return new;

- (OFArray*)sortedArrayWithOptions: (int)options
	OFMutableArray *new = [[self mutableCopy] autorelease];

	[new sortWithOptions: options];

	[new makeImmutable];

	return new;

- (OFArray*)reversedArray
	OFMutableArray *new = [[self mutableCopy] autorelease];

	[new reverse];

	[new makeImmutable];

	return new;

- (int)countByEnumeratingWithState: (of_fast_enumeration_state_t*)state
			   objects: (id*)objects
			     count: (int)count
	of_range_t range = of_range(state->state, count);

	if (range.length > SIZE_MAX - range.location)
		@throw [OFOutOfRangeException exception];

	if (range.location + range.length > [self count])
		range.length = [self count] - range.location;

	[self getObjects: objects
		 inRange: range];

	if (range.location + range.length > ULONG_MAX)
		@throw [OFOutOfRangeException exception];

	state->state = (unsigned long)(range.location + range.length);
	state->itemsPtr = objects;
	state->mutationsPtr = (unsigned long*)self;

	return (int)range.length;

- (OFEnumerator*)objectEnumerator
	return [[[OFArrayEnumerator alloc] initWithArray: self
					    mutationsPtr: NULL] autorelease];

- (void)enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: (of_array_enumeration_block_t)block
	size_t i = 0;
	bool stop = false;

	for (id object in self) {
		block(object, i++, &stop);

		if (stop)

- (OFArray*)arrayByAddingObject: (id)object
	OFMutableArray *ret;

	if (object == nil)
		@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

	ret = [[self mutableCopy] autorelease];

	[ret addObject: object];
	[ret makeImmutable];

	return ret;

- (OFArray*)arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray: (OFArray*)array
	OFMutableArray *ret = [[self mutableCopy] autorelease];

	[ret addObjectsFromArray: array];
	[ret makeImmutable];

	return ret;

- (OFArray*)arrayByRemovingObject: (id)object
	OFMutableArray *ret = [[self mutableCopy] autorelease];

	[ret removeObject: object];
	[ret makeImmutable];

	return ret;

- (OFArray*)mappedArrayUsingBlock: (of_array_map_block_t)block
	OFArray *ret;
	size_t count = [self count];
	id *tmp = [self allocMemoryWithSize: sizeof(id)
				      count: count];

	@try {
		[self enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: ^ (id object, size_t index,
		    bool *stop) {
			tmp[index] = block(object, index);

		ret = [OFArray arrayWithObjects: tmp
					  count: count];
	} @finally {
		[self freeMemory: tmp];

	return ret;

- (OFArray*)filteredArrayUsingBlock: (of_array_filter_block_t)block
	OFArray *ret;
	size_t count = [self count];
	id *tmp = [self allocMemoryWithSize: sizeof(id)
				      count: count];

	@try {
		__block size_t i = 0;

		[self enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: ^ (id object, size_t index,
		    bool *stop) {
			if (block(object, index))
				tmp[i++] = object;

		ret = [OFArray arrayWithObjects: tmp
					  count: i];
	} @finally {
		[self freeMemory: tmp];

	return ret;

- (id)foldUsingBlock: (of_array_fold_block_t)block
	size_t count = [self count];
	__block id current;

	if (count == 0)
		return nil;
	if (count == 1)
		return [[[self firstObject] retain] autorelease];

	[self enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: ^ (id object, size_t index,
	    bool *stop) {
		id new;

		if (index == 0) {
			current = [object retain];

		@try {
			new = [block(current, object) retain];
		} @finally {
			[current release];
		current = new;

	return [current autorelease];

@implementation OFArrayEnumerator
- initWithArray: (OFArray*)array
   mutationsPtr: (unsigned long*)mutationsPtr
	self = [super init];

	_array = [array retain];
	_count = [array count];
	_mutations = (mutationsPtr != NULL ? *mutationsPtr : 0);
	_mutationsPtr = mutationsPtr;

	return self;

- (void)dealloc
	[_array release];

	[super dealloc];

- (id)nextObject
	if (_mutationsPtr != NULL && *_mutationsPtr != _mutations)
		@throw [OFEnumerationMutationException
		    exceptionWithObject: _array];

	if (_position < _count)
		return [_array objectAtIndex: _position++];

	return nil;

- (void)reset
	if (_mutationsPtr != NULL && *_mutationsPtr != _mutations)
		@throw [OFEnumerationMutationException
		    exceptionWithObject: _array];

	_position = 0;